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  • in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    In 3.9.7, it was possible to use img tags with src as HTTPS. But it seems that when moving away from ss_css2.jar, this stopped working in all future releases. Having debugging enabled, I see this in the log:

    image not yet in cache:<br /> not yet in cache:<br /> resource not found.<br /> image not found.<br /> can not load image:
    I have tested on several images, and can’t get HTTPS to work. HTTP works. I have also configured socket timeout to 10000 ms without any effect. Any workaround for this?

    in reply to: PDF merge failing with .net library

    Unfortunately not. The porting will take a couple of months.

    in reply to: Images with HTTPS does not work anymore

    It is unlikely the changes in HTTPS functionality depend on a switch to new CSS cascading engine.

    In order to find the issue reason I would recommend to do the following:

    PD4ML supports so-called custom resource loaders.

    Try to implement a debug version of HTTPS loader. I’ve attached our standard SSL loader implementation, which could give you some implementation ideas.

    Please take into account: WebSphere and Weblogic implement their own versions of HTTPS protocol, and the implementations are not derived from the standard API.

    in reply to: PD4ML cannot access Times New Roman Font

    PD4ML Support Any help on this problem?

    We restarted the JBOSS in all 3 PROD servers on Thursday and this problem has surfaced in only the 3rd server today.

    in reply to: PD4ML cannot access Times New Roman Font

    I suspect the issue is caused by font caching. Could you perform two experiments: disable caching (1) and clear cache after each conversion (2) as described in the thread:


    Does #1 or #2 help?

    in reply to: Images with HTTPS does not work anymore

    This is working fine if I switch to a previous version of PD4ML, no changes done to the code. Are you actually able to get it to work with HTTPS in url of images on the latest version? If I use HTTP, the newest version is also working ok.

    in reply to: PD4ML cannot access Times New Roman Font

    I am afraid, both these options cannot be done since it is a PRD environment and we do not have access.

    Can you please let us know how does pd4ML embed the fonts into the PDF. Does it store the fonts files into temp folders some where on the linux server or does it load it into RAM memory and then tries to fetch it from there?
    The reason I ask is because, the issue PDF shows the Times Roman and Times Bold but does not say it as EMBEDDED when i look at the Document Properties option in Acrobat Reader DC. But the non-issue reports has these fonts as embedded.

    Can too much of traffic or any memory leaks cause these issues with PD4ML?

    in reply to: PD4ML cannot access Times New Roman Font

    HI Team,

    Any inputs?

    in reply to: PD4ML cannot access Times New Roman Font

    > Does it store the fonts files into temp folders some where on the linux server or does it load it into RAM memory and then tries to fetch it from there?

    PD4ML loads the resources via the class loader:

    [language=java:e8qjhinq]URL url = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResource(resourcePath);

    if (url == null) {
    url = ClassResourceProvider.class.getClassLoader().getResource(resourcePath);

    if (url == null) {
    ClassLoader cl = callingClass.getClassLoader();
    if (cl != null) {
    url = cl.getResource(resourcePath);

    In some environments the above code does not work as expected. For example when the resource JAR is placed to WAR, EAR etc the classloader may fail with a TTF load. Usually appserver configuration adjustment (something like “unpack JARs to work directory”) helps.

    in reply to: General questions / FAQ

    Hello :

    I’m trying to create a pdf in A4 landscape, but I can’t not use all the width of the page.

    I’m using this :

    any idea?

    Thank in advance. best regards.
    Alberto Mozo

    in reply to: fill al width in Landscape

    @Alberto wrote:

    Hello :

    I’m trying to create a pdf in A4 landscape, but I can’t not use all the width of the page.

    I’m using this :

    any idea?

    Thank in advance. best regards.
    Alberto Mozo

    in reply to: General questions / FAQ


    Is there a way to add signature fields in generated PDF.

    in reply to: Signature Fields

    should do the trick.

    in reply to: fill al width in Landscape

    Play with htmlWidth attribute value to impact the HTML->PDF mapping scale factor: (Hopefully it is clear the tag takes effect only for pages follow it)

    If the scale has to be constant you would need to define HTML layout, bearing in mind a page format (available width) may change from page to page.

    in reply to: fill al width in Landscape

    Thank you very much.

    Your solution works.

    Best Regards,
    Alberto Mozo

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