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  • in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    We are experiencing an interesting issue during HTML to PDF conversion where one table border is appearing on two separate pages after a page break. I’ve attached the HTML file and the converted PDF file for your reference. Also, here are the other details you may need:

    Java Runtime Version: 6
    PD4ML Version: Newest recommended for .NET 2.0 (1.0.5080.21062)
    Operating System: Windows 7
    App Server: Local machine
    .NET Code Snippet:
    var pd4ml = new org.zefer.pd4ml.PD4ML();
    pd4ml.HtmlWidth = 780;
    pd4ml.PageInsets = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(20, 20, 20, 20);
    pd4ml.PageSize = org.zefer.pd4ml.PD4Constants.A4;
    var tempFileName = GetTempFileName(“pd4ml”);

    using (var fs = new FileStream(tempFileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
    pd4ml.render(url, fs);


    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues


    The page-break-after CSS tag is listed as partially supported and “in development”. We would really appreciate support for the “avoid” value so that we could prevent the document author’s signature to spill over to the next page alone. (Our customer would prefer to pull a line or two of the last paragraph to the next page as well.)

    How is this functionality progressing and when could we expect it in PD4ML?

    With best regards,
    Matija Polajnar

    in reply to: Support for page-break-after:avoid

    For the case PD4ML supports “page-break-inside: avoid”, applicable to block elements (


    in reply to: Support for page-break-after:avoid

    The problem is that the document above the signature is written by the user of the application. I have no control over its content; the last element could be a single-sentence paragraph, a long paragraph, a table, an image … Your solution would only be useful if I would encapsulate the last element of the document and the signature image within a single div and style it with page-break-inside:avoid. But I cannot do that because that would also prevent page breaks within the last, possibly long, paragraph of the document.

    in reply to: Support for page-break-after:avoid

    With the current architecture (v39x) the feature is not supported and it is quite untrivial to implement.

    We plan to include the feature support to a totally refactored forthcoming v40x, but its release will happen not sooner as in 2-3 months.

    in reply to: Support for page-break-after:avoid

    Well, we have a bit more than 2 months of upgrades covered by our current Pro licence, but no pressure. 😉 Thank you for your answer.

    in reply to: Support for page-break-after:avoid

    Now we’re trying to workaround this issue (temporarily) by allowing the signature to fall outside of the regular printable area (possibly reaching into the document footer). But PD4ml does not seem to allow that: even if we put the image in a smaller div with overflow:hidden, thus effectively cropping the bottom of the signature image (which is usually blank anyway), as soon as a part (albeit cropped) of the image would reach outside of the printable area, it disappears entirely. (A simple test for this behaviour is positioning the image with style=”position:absolute; bottom: -1cm;”.)

    While browsers (tested with Chrome and Firefox) have problems with page-break-after:avoid as well, they at least handle this situation correctly. Could you comment on that?

    Matija Polajnar

    in reply to: Barcode Font loaded but not embeded or used in PDF

    Hello Support Team,
    Unfortunately moving away from the Unicode UTF-8 standard is not an option in our project. The webpages to be converted will also hold international characters like the German umlauts (ö,ä,…) or the French accents (é,à,…) in other fonts.
    In any case, what does not seem to be clear in your explanation of the solution is the problem itself. Why does PD4ML accept UTF-8 double char sequences for characters like “ü” which equals “c3 bc” in Hex, for example, but does not accept others like the STOP character “c2 9c” in the barcode example?

    in reply to: Barcode Font loaded but not embeded or used in PDF

    In your example document a character encoding is declared as UTF-8, but the barcode string itself is defined with windows-1251.

    That inconsistence results some double byte sequences are interpreted wrong way (as Chinese glyphs, not present in the TTF font file).

    There are two solutions:
    1. to change the document encoding to windows-1251. As I see, it is not accepteble by you.

    2. to represent the barcode string as correct UTF-8: to change 153 (0x99) -> 0x2122, 151 (0x97) -> 0x2014, etc
    (See the bottom part of the code table on )

    The codes can be written using HTML entities i.e. ™ — …

    in reply to: Barcode Font loaded but not embeded or used in PDF

    Thanks for the reply.
    My understanding is that the barcode string our example is UTF-8 encoded. See, for example the “Encodings” section in the following webpage for the Unicode character 0x0153 (the barcode STOP character):
    The UTF-8 (hex) representation of this character is “0xC5 0x93 (c593)” which is exactly what can be found in our example file at the end of the barcode string.
    Am I misunderstanding or overlooking something?

    in reply to: Barcode Font loaded but not embeded or used in PDF

    In UTF-8 “0xC5 0x93 (c593)” corresponds to
    which is definitely not correct.

    > My understanding is that the barcode string our example is UTF-8 encoded.

    The simplest test to ensure your doc is wrongly encoded would be to open the document in a web browser. After that change the encoding to windows-1252 and open the doc in another tab. Compare and you’ll see the barcode appears slightly different (prefixed and postfixed in the second case). In the first case the start-stop chars are not displayed (until CJK fonts pack installed).

    > the Unicode character 0x0153 (the barcode STOP character)

    It is not correct. 153 is not hex, but decimal ASCII value (= 0x99), which is in UTF-8 should be encoded as 0x2122


    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues


    We were using PD4ML version 361, now we have upgraded to latest one

    Now we have a problem with the font

    for example,
    for the paragraphs which contain both the english and chinese characters are rendered with the Mingliu font we are using for chinese

    the below is our piece of code.

    WENJUN Money 育暮趣所及定平関島指形由幹設 Laundering in UNITED KINGDOM IS NOT functional now

    style used is,

    .match-text{font-size: 11pt;font-family: Times New Roman,MingLiu;}

    In the old version of PD4ML, we were getting the english in times new roman and only the chinese characters in the Mingliu font. But in the latest pd4ml version, we are seeing everything on the Mingliu font version and not getting the correct style we expected.

    Please help us to resolve this issue


    in reply to: Issue with font family on chinese characters

    Do you have a font mapping for Times New Roman in Does it load the .ttf file during a conversion?

    Times New Roman=times.ttf

    in reply to: Issue with font family on chinese characters

    Yes, we have defined this in

    Arial Bold=arialbd.ttf
    Arial Bold Italic=arialbi.ttf
    Arial Italic=ariali.ttf
    Courier New=cour.ttf
    Courier New Bold=courbd.ttf
    Courier New Bold Italic=courbi.ttf
    Courier New Italic=couri.ttf
    Times New Roman=times.ttf
    Times New Roman Bold=timesbd.ttf
    Times New Roman Bold Italic=timesbi.ttf
    Times New Roman Italic=timesi.ttf
    Calibri Bold=calibribd.ttf
    Calibri Italic=Calibrii.ttf

    The issue happens only when the english and chinese characters inside one span or tag, If the chinese in in another span, it is working properly. But in our case, it will come together inside one span, please help us to resolve this. Otherwise it would a big blow for us as the existing functionality will be broken with the upgrade


    in reply to: CSS Rendering Issue with Conversion

    @277opersuser wrote:

    We are experiencing an interesting issue during HTML to PDF conversion where one table border is appearing on two separate pages after a page break. I’ve attached the HTML file and the converted PDF file for your reference. Also, here are the other details you may need:

    So, do you means you need to delete this table border on a second page?

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