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  • in reply to: css style control of checkbox will lose after convert to pdf

    I converted the HTML snippet and the result looks ok. See attached.

    Probably in your case there are some extra styles, that reduce the font size. I cannot tell exactly as I seen neither entire HTML document, not its PDF output.

    in reply to: A definition of custom resource loaders

    > Is there a way I can pass the InputStream of the image as an arguement to the ResourceProvider.

    You need to reference somehow the image in the database from an HTML source. It is up to you: you may even implement a repository of InputStreams (which would be a quite strange architectural decision) and refer to them by a unique input stream ID:

    In the resource loader you’ll receive “file:inputstream#4711” image URI to be parsed, to select the corresponding input stream and to read the referred image.

    But of course a better approach is to specify in the image URI some unique key, sufficient to lookup and to read database image with your custom resource loader.

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues


    I am trying to render my css based html . i am attaching css and snapshots of pdf . Wherever i am using display : table-cell , the alignment of two cells is shifted to next line , rather than being rendered on the same page . Also the text which should be placed left , is now seen in the centre .
    actual html :-

    If there are some layout styles which are not rendered by pd4ml , then please let me know . I want to use this tool for commercial purposes . so looking for good rendering engines .


    in reply to: improper rendering of css

    Please attach the source HTML and CSS

    in reply to: How to find out if a page break has occurred

    After doing a lot of thinking (and having solved the problem by “guessing” the size of the content before it is beeing passed to pd4ml), i think a possible solution would be to implement a feature that makes it possible to define two page headers, one for “the next pagebreak”, and one for “the pagebreaks after that”.

    Any thoughts about that?

    in reply to: A definition of custom resource loaders


    Do you have any example code for using the Custom Resource loader using Java/JSP.

    I have this code in my Filter :
    map.put( “pd4ml.extra.resource.loaders”, “CustomFileResourceProvider”);

    But I don’t see CustomFileResourceProvider getting called.

    Any help would be really appreciated?


    in reply to: A definition of custom resource loaders

    Is CustomFileResourceProvider.class in the classpath?

    If so, try to enable debug (pd4ml.enableDebugInfo()) and inspect server’s log.

    in reply to: How to find out if a page break has occurred

    PD4ML can repeat a table header after a page break (pd4ml.enableSmartTableBreaks(true)). But it does not allow to add, for example, “(continued)” to the original header. So probably the trick with table headers will work for you.

    PD4ML Pro allows you to define page-specific headers in a case you use tag.

    1. The tag supports scope attribute. For example: scope=”1″ defines header for the first page only; meaning of scope=”2+”, scope=”4-5″ is hopefully obvious. On the top of HTML page you may define multiple tags with different scope attribute values.

    2. Also without scope attribute may appear somewhere in the document body. In the case it impacts all subsequent pages (until it is overridden by another tag)

    For your sample in theory it should be like that:

    Italy (continued)

    item  [/language:12j8bljf]

    However I tested the code and it does not work as desired. In a case of multiple header definitions/redefinitions on a single page only the last header definition takes effect. We’ll check if it possible to improve the algorithms to support the above idea.

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    HI PD4ML

    When we try to use width/heigth css style for checkbox, it is not working.

    Can you help if width/height supported for checkbox, from page “” it is not clearly mentioned if this is support or not.

    If not support, is there any other solution to make checkbox a bit smaller.

    First Name

    in reply to: CSS Style width/heigth not working for checkbox

    We’ve just added a possibility to scale checkbox and radio elements.
    The feature will be available with the forthcoming release.

    in reply to: How to find out if a page break has occurred

    That’s excellent news!
    I’ll check the version log now and then to see if i can refactor my quite bad solution.

    in reply to: How to find out if a page break has occurred

    @Guest wrote:

    I’ll check the version log now and then to see if i can refactor my quite bad solution.

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    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues


    I’ve purchased the licensed JAR, and since then, whenever there is an image that should have been split between pages it does not appear in the PDF (I use pd4ml.enableImgSplit(false); to avoid image splits between pages) .
    Is there any change or known issue about this?

    This is very urgent, please respond ASAP.



    in reply to: General questions / FAQ


    I have an XML file that is transformed by XSL into HTML (XLST). So when entering the URL in the browser a HTML page is shown.

    When running your servlet sample code ( the browser opens a PDF file showing the XML content and NOT the HTML content. How can I get a PDF showing the transformed HTML content?

    Here is a link to the XML file:

    Here is the same link with XSL transformation:

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues


    i have somme issues with this the generation of those html scripts

    [language=html:3eljw5br]Celui-ci est sur fond orange[/language:3eljw5br]

    and with
    [language=html:3eljw5br]ce texte est écrit en impact[/language:3eljw5br]

    the generated PDF neither have background or impact face.

    i am using the last demo version and i’m wainting for the release bought (if it’s not bought yet, it will be soon) by my customer.

    sorry for my english 🙂

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