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  • in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    PD4ML version 380fx2.

    I have a page break issue that it seem occurs when the entire body content (no header+footer) fits one page. When it happens, the PDF looks like this

    Page1: header, followed by blank, then footer
    Page2: body content, then footer
    Page3: footer

    This occurs only if the entire body content fits one page. When I add or subtract one line item in the body content, the pages flows correctly (in my example, PDF has two pages and no large blank in the middle).

    I attached two PDFs:
    1. Invoice PDF 1: page break problem shown in this file
    2. INVOICE PDF 2: no page break problem

    Thanks for your help.

    in reply to: TTF embedding

    Plz help me, How to set unicode for pdf output.? I set charset utf-8 for my html and display normal, but it create pdf output not read

    in reply to: TTF embedding
    in reply to: Repeated / Duplicated DIV

    That can happen, for example, when images are styled to avoid to be broken by a page break. PD4ML forces a pagebreak to protect an image, but if there is a text block below the image top edge and the text already printed on the current page – it will also be repeated on the next page.

    A good practice to avoid the problem is to use conditional page breaks or to enclose content portions to table cells and to apply “page-break-inside: avoid” style to the table rows.


    in reply to: RTF features

    It seems we fixed the issue. If you’d like to test it with the current development build – please request it by email from support pd4ml com

    in reply to: Href does not open in new window

    PDF file format does not support such behavior.

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    This issue relates to rendering of bullets and numbering in PDFs and Emails. They are rendered as some special characters.

    in reply to: Troubleshooting

    We need information on how to generate links that points to some location in the same document in RTFs.

    in reply to: Troubleshooting

    While saving rtf documents — default font size is too small. How can we control it. We were told before that formatting of RTF will be enhanced in next release. Is it already resolved.Our version is still not rendering it correctly.

    in reply to: Troubleshooting

    Highlighting in RTF is not working.
    Does anyone know how to add background color in RTFs for certain text.

    in reply to: RTF features

    @PD4ML wrote:

    It seems we fixed the issue. If you’d like to test it with the current development build – please request it by email from support pd4ml com

    The spacing issue seems to be working fine now, thanks for that!

    Regarding the two other questions I had, do you have any feedback for me on that?

    @rnilsen wrote:

    Regarding your comment about being able to set header/footer as a tag not being implemented yet, will it be possible in the future? If so, do you have a rough estimate to when we can expect that?

    Lastely, when specifying lengths in css (or tags), what is the unit that I should use (besides %)? I know that RTF natively operates on a twips, and I tried to calculate it from cm, but without much luck.

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    Hi, I’m trying to render a document with Thai text, and I’m finding that zero width spaces (u+200B for example) that are used in Thai text render as a regular space.
    I’ve tried the following:
    u200B | ​ (visible space)
    u200C | ‌ | ‌ (not visible, but doesn’t line break)
    u200D | ‍ | ‍ (not visible, but doesn’t line break)

    I am certain I am importing the TTF font correctly, because the Thai text is printing correctly. What character or method can I use to ensure that PD4ML will break lines where appropriate without showing a visible space in every line-breakable location?

    in reply to: Troubleshooting


    Can you please confirm if the latest version of PD4ML supports


    HTML tag? I have seen on page and its showing NO.


    in reply to: <fieldset><legend></legend></fieldset> supported by PD4ML?

    The current version of PD4ML does support the tags in general. However it could be issues with an applying of styles to the tags.

    in reply to: RTF features

    > Regarding your comment about being able to set header/footer as a tag not being implemented yet, will it be possible in the future?
    > If so, do you have a rough estimate to when we can expect that?

    The feature implementation has quite a low priority. You know, the main purpose of PD4ML is PDF output. Normally we add new features to RTF module when there is no urgent PDF issues. I have my doubts if we’ll have a chance to start the implementation till May.

    If you need the feature urgently you may fund its implementation. In the case please contact us by email.

    > Lastely, when specifying lengths in css (or tags), what is the unit that I should use (besides %)?
    > I know that RTF natively operates on a twips, and I tried to calculate it from cm, but without much luck.

    In RTF output mode PD4ML still uses HTML renderer, developed for PDF output.

    It is explained by the link:

    That means you get HTML layout of requested width (htmlWidth parameter) mapped to chosen paper format. An actual transformation from dimensions given in screen pixels or in physical units to resulting dimensions on paper is not always obvious.

    pd4ml.protectPhysicalUnitDimensions() API call should make dimensions/sizes given in pt, in, cm keept intact.

    There some are other support topics address the issue. I.e.

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