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  • in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues


    I am trying to generate RTF.
    I am using table to display some data. My problem is the color of header is always white no matter what color is assign to it. The color does not show up if there is a background color assign to it.

    Here is a sample code I am testing.
    <br /> <table><br /> <tr><br /> <th style="color: orange; background-color: black">Header</th><br /> </tr><br /> <tr><br /> <td>Cell content</td><br /> </tr><br /> </table><br />


    in reply to: Images with # in URL Don’t Render

    PD4ML loads document resources (even from a local file system) using URL/URLConnection Java classes. If an image is referenced using a file system path, it is implicitly converted to an URL by an adding a “file:” protocol prefix.

    ‘#’ symbol has a special meaning in URLs. In your particular case ‘#’ and following it path info is simply ignored.

    It is important to understand, that from HTML specification perspective your HTML code is erroneous. The specification explicitly requires to use an URL (not just a path) as an SRC attribute value:

    valid non-empty URL potentially surrounded by spaces referencing a non-interactive, optionally animated, image resource that is neither paged nor scripted.

    The major web browsers also accept paths to workaround a “popular” web authors’ mistake. (However with MS FrontPage it is even impossible to embed an image from a directory with ‘#’ in its name).

    We could implement a support of ‘#’ in image paths, but probably a renaming of the dir to a web-friendly name is a better idea.

    in reply to: Can’t Get Image Max-width and Max-Height to Work

    For the time being the CSS property is not supported. See

    Please request the feature by support pd4ml com email.

    in reply to: table header color rendering issue in RTF

    The actual version of PD4ML (v385fx2) does support table cell background. See attached. (tested with MS Word, Wordpad and OpenOffice)

    in reply to: table header color rendering issue in RTF

    Thanks for your reply.
    Is there any other workaround for this?


    in reply to: table header color rendering issue in RTF

    As I see in we implemented the feature in v380fx2. So the only solution is to upgrade to the version or to any newer. I would recommend to upgrade to v385fx2 as recently we implemented many new RTF features and solved some bugs.

    in reply to: table header color rendering issue in RTF

    We use Word2003 in test scenarios. We’ll check what is wrong with Word2010. It is quite unexpected, that the versions are not backward compatible.

    in reply to: Images with # in URL Don’t Render

    I understand that a # in a URL denotes an anchor. However, the File.toURI() method escapes the # symbol and renders it as %23 (e.g. file:/Users/Will/Desktop/%23Test/Test.jpg). Because it is escaped, shouldn’t it be interpreted as a literal #, rather than a symbolic #?

    After all, The internet standards track protocol for the URI says the following in section 2.4.3:

    The character “#” is excluded because it is used to delimit a URI from a fragment identifier in URI references…[Several more examples of excluded characters are given]…Data corresponding to excluded characters must be escaped in order to be properly represented within a URI.

    The # symbol is an excluded character. When returned from File.URI(), it is escaped. Therefore the protocol indicates that that it meets the requirements to be properly represented.

    Even if that’s not reason enough, Java Swing is able to handle this, as in the following code:
    //Setup paths<br /> String portraitPath = System.getProperty("user.home") + File.separator + "Desktop" + File.separator + "#Test" + File.separator + "Test.jpg";<br /> String uriString = new File(portraitPath).toURI().toString(); //Among other things, # becomes %23<br /> <br /> //Setup view<br /> JFrame frame = new JFrame("Test");<br /> Panel panel = new JPanel();<br /> <br /> //Add label containing the image, rendered from a URL with an escaped # sign<br /> JLabel label = new JLabel(new ImageIcon(new URL(uriString)));<br /> panel.add(label);<br /> <br /> //Finalize everything<br /> frame.setContentPane(panel);<br /> frame.pack();<br /> frame.setVisible(true); //The image is successfully displayed!
    Since Java Swing is able to display an image with an escaped # in the URL, it seems that PD4ML, being a Java library, ought to also be able to display an image with an escaped # in the URL.

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues


    I added a simple footnotes in a page and PDF shows it but it is not showing up in RTF doc. Can you help me on this? It will be appreciated.

    <br /> <pd4ml:footnote noref=""><br /> <p>Where is my footnote?</p><br /> </pd4ml:footnote><br /> <br />

    in reply to: Hyperlink with & are converted to &amp;..How to by-pass it

    Thanks for the reply, we are using version 3.8.0 .Was there are bug /defect raised as you mention that its working fine in the latest version.Can you let me know in which subsequent version this issue got fixed(if existed)


    in reply to: General questions / FAQ

    Hi all,
    I m using Pd4ml to generate Pdf file which is in color containing colored images, charts and also text. Is there a property in Pd4ml which internally converts all RGB coloring to gray scale..???? or by is there a code in which we can pass color Pdf file as input and the outcome generated is gray scale Pdf…I need help on this.!!! Below attached is a sample Pdf snap shot in color.


    in reply to: General questions / FAQ

    Hi all,
    I m using Pd4ml to generate Pdf file which is in color containing colored images, charts and also text. Is there a property in Pd4ml which internally converts all RGB coloring to gray scale..???? or by is there a code in which we can pass color Pdf file as input and the outcome generated is gray scale Pdf…I need help on this.!!!


    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    Hi all,
    I m using Pd4ml to generate Pdf file which is in color containing colored images, charts and also text. Is there a property in Pd4ml which internally converts all RGB coloring to gray scale..???? or by is there a code in which we can pass color Pdf file as input and the outcome generated is gray scale Pdf…I need help on this.!!!


    in reply to: pdf generated using pd4ml has to be converted to gray scale

    PD4ML does not support the feature.

    If a desaturation is really needed, we could implement the feature on paid basis. Please contact sales pd4ml com

    in reply to: Pdf in color to gray scale (Pd4ml)
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