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  • in reply to: cache parsed CSS?

    Actually PD4ML caches CSS documents in parsed form, but, you are right, it does not cache CSS documents failed to parse. I’ve added the feature request to our TODO list.

    I do not believe you use CSS stylesheets, greater than 1 Mb in size. Otherwise it should not tangible impact HTML-to-PDF conversion performance.

    Well, the best solution would be to support the notorious “filter:” properties – we need to check the actual state of CSS Parser project and adapt our library to it (if it already supports the syntax).

    in reply to: General questions / FAQ


    I need some help regarding special character in pd4ml. I’m using pd4ml free version. There I have a text in database as δ

    I want to see the delta character in pd4ml pdf. Though in html page I got it delta character, in pdf of pd4ml this shows ? character.
    I need a solution. I don’t know why this is occurs. Please suggest me how can I fixed this issue and show the delta character in pdf.

    Best regards


    in reply to: cache parsed CSS?

    @PD4ML wrote:

    I do not believe you use CSS stylesheets, greater than 1 Mb in size. Otherwise it should not tangible impact HTML-to-PDF conversion performance.

    No, it’s ‘only’ about 120kb in size. Which is huge, but i cant change that.

    @PD4ML wrote:

    the best solution would be to support the notorious “filter:” properties

    That’d be awesome. We have to rely on that property to support IE6…

    Thanks for your efforts!

    in reply to: cache parsed CSS?

    sorry for my logged-out reply…
    Well after some more discussion in our dev-team we may have an idea for a workaround.
    Here it’s said, that “PD4ML ignores print CSS media type and respects only stylesheets defined for all, screen and proprietary pdf media types.”.
    So, if we find out what is meant by “proprietary pdf media type”, we could redefine the css-classes that use the “filter:” property in the appropriate media-type *not* to use the “filter:” property, and pd4ml should ignore the property.

    Edit: –> Wrong: @media pdf {} would give the semantical possibility to override stuff, but the parser goes through all css, of course…

    in reply to: PD4ML Tips & Tricks


    I need some help regarding special character in pd4ml. I’m using pd4ml free version. There I have a text in database as δ

    I want to see the delta character in pd4ml pdf. Though in html page I got it delta character, in pdf of pd4ml this shows ? character.
    I need a solution. I don’t know why this is occurs. Please suggest me how can I fixed this issue and show the delta character in pdf.

    Best regards


    in reply to: cache parsed CSS?

    @media pdf {} is going to be interpreted only by PD4ML. So if you place the section after common CSS definitions, you may override them with PD4ML-specific ones.

    Of course it does not help to solve “filter:” issue. In theory you may screen some CSS style sections (and avoid the parsing errors) under media types, not known to or ignored by PD4ML: tv, print, projection, handheld etc. But it is difficult to say if the major browsers ignore or interpret them.

    in reply to: Fieldset Legend + Bold

    We are going to publish the freshest v360fx1b2 26-27 of April.

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    I cannot get my generated PDF file to have two columns like my HTML does.

    I have tried setting the HtmlWidth and PageSize, but those just seem to make the pdf page bigger, but it still wants to put the text column under the image instead of next to it.

    Here is a snip of my code:

    os = new;

    PD4ML pdf = new PD4ML();
    pdf.setPageSize( new Dimension(1024, 1024));
    pdf.setPageInsets( new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0) );
    pdf.setHtmlWidth( 1024 );
    pdf.enableImgSplit( false );
    pdf.render( new StringReader(html), os );

    I have tried leaving out the call to adjustHtmlWidth and even making the Html and PageSize really large. No dice.

    Any help?

    in reply to: Incorrect layout in generated PDF

    The width of the nesting DIV is not sufficient for 2 columns.
    I changed the width from 612 to 624 and it produced a 2 columns layout.

    [language=css:2p1m9ped]#clientBrowserMainEntity {
    margin: 0 0 10px 5px; }[/language:2p1m9ped]

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues


    i currently testing the professional version of PD4ML for my company.
    It seems to me that the rendered text is a little bit fuzzy.

    I attached two PDF screenshots with simple text, the first PDF is generated with PD4ML and the second with MS Word and a PDF-Printing-Driver.

    I have configured PD4ML to use the original windows Fonts and used
    pd4ml.useTTF(“C:/windows/Fonts”, true); in my code.

    Is there any way to increase the font quality?

    in reply to: Font rendering quality

    Does your PDF contain any images?

    As we learned Adobe Acroread uses different page rendering algorithms depending if a page has images with soft masks (alpha channels) or does not. For some strange reasons if a page has such image, the font glyphs on the page appear with rough edges (it does not impact print output – it is only a problem of screen view).

    in reply to: Font rendering quality

    Thanks for the quick response,

    your right, there was a PNG image in the header. When i remove the image the text looks fine. It looks also normal with an JPG image.

    Is there a way to affect the rendering algorithm or some other way that the text looks better with that kind of images?

    in reply to: Font rendering quality

    We spend quite a lot of time to find a workaround – unfortunately no success.

    I could only recommend you to replace such translucent PNGs with transparent PNGs (have bit transparency mask instead of alpha channels), or GIFs or JPEGs.

    If you have tons of images to convert, you may add on-a-fly image converter as a custom resource loader:
    utilizing, for example, JAI library.

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues


    I bought pro version license, it’s great, but we have a problem rendering a lot of images.

    We are generating pdf using a LaTex Render engine:

    But with this engine the path of rendered images is something like tiny sum.

    When I open the html file to send to pd4ml with the browser all images work.

    But after render in pdf in the place of LaTek images I see an error message “Blank Equation”, it’s the same error you can read accessing directly to .

    So I think the problems are spaces in images url.

    How can I solve it?



    p.s. I find the same problem using this url: , whereas the html version is perfect!

    in reply to: image path error

    It seems the easiest solution would be to suppress the spaces:

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