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  • in reply to: About text-indent

    1st of May would be ok 🙂 We would not need it sooner.


    in reply to: Rights permision

    You need to substitute pd4ml_demo.jar with downloaded pd4ml.jar and adjust the classpath where needed.

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    I am using the trial version of PD4ML(PHP wrapper). We are testing it out before purchasing the pro version. I have dumped all the font files that we are using in our report in the “/pd4ml/fonts” folder. I deleted the old “” and the newly generated one looks like this:

    #this is an autogenerated file. please remove manually any references to copyrighted fonts
    #Mon Jul 26 06:03:36 IST 2010
    Gotham Bold=Gotham-Bold.ttf
    Gotham Bold Italic=Gotham-BoldItalic.ttf
    Gotham Book=Gotham-Book.ttf
    Gotham Book Italic=Gotham-BookItalic.ttf
    Myriad Pro=MyriadPro-Regular.otf
    Myriad Pro Black=MyriadPro-Black.otf
    Myriad Pro Black Italic=MyriadPro-BlackIt.otf
    Myriad Pro Bold=MyriadPro-Bold.otf
    Myriad Pro Bold Condensed=MyriadPro-BoldCond.otf
    Myriad Pro Bold Condensed Italic=MyriadPro-BoldCondIt.otf
    Myriad Pro Bold Italic=MyriadPro-BoldIt.otf
    Myriad Pro Condensed=MyriadPro-Cond.otf
    Myriad Pro Condensed Italic=MyriadPro-CondIt.otf
    Myriad Pro Italic=MyriadPro-It.otf
    Myriad Pro Light=MyriadPro-Light.otf
    Myriad Pro Light Italic=MyriadPro-LightIt.otf
    Myriad Pro Semibold=MyriadPro-Semibold.otf
    Myriad Web Bold=MYRIADB.TTF

    Note: I had about 25 different fonts in my dir, but only 20 were listed in the properties file (some .otf and .dfont fonts were skipped, not sure why?!)

    My test.php using the various font is as below:

    Hello World in MicrogrammaDBolExt!!

    Hello World in MicrogrammaDMedExt!!

    Hello World in Myriad Pro Semibold!!

    Hello World in Gotham Bold!!

    Hello World in Gotham Bold Italic!!

    Hello World in Gotham Book!!

    Hello World in Gotham Book Italic!!

    Hello World in Myriad Pro!!

    Hello World in Myriad Pro Black!!

    Hello World in Myriad Pro Black Italic!!

    Hello World in Myriad Pro Bold!!

    Hello World in Myriad Pro Bold Condensed!!

    Hello World in Myriad Pro Bold Condensed Italic!!

    Hello World in Myriad Pro Bold Italic!!

    Hello World in Myriad Pro Condensed!!

    Hello World in Myriad Pro Condensed Italic!!

    Hello World in Myriad Pro Italic!!

    Hello World in Myriad Pro Light!!

    Hello World in Myriad Pro Light Italic!!

    Hello World in Myriad Pro Semibold!!

    Hello World in Myriad Web Bold!!

    However in the o/p file I can only see the first two fonts being displayed(MicrogrammaDBolExt, MicrogrammaDMedExt). The rest of them (containing spaces in the font names) were ignored. Not sure if I am using the font name right, I am simply pasting the name as available in the properties file. I even tried deleting the last line “font.dir.location=..\fonts\” from the properties file, but no change.

    Please advise.

    in reply to: font rendering issue

    In HTML you do not need to escape spaces with backslashes. So try to remove all backslashes from face attribute values.

    Should be:

    in reply to: font rendering issue

    Thanks for your help!

    Did that already, din’t help much, some text started appearing in bold, and some in Italic randomly, not the o/p we expected. I put that way with the backslashes deliberately ‘coz I thought the script considered the exact font-name “as is” in the properties file – desperate measure – but din’t work out!

    Please if someone can help us with this; we are really looking forward to buying the paid version.

    @Guest wrote:

    In HTML you do not need to escape spaces with backslashes. So try to remove all backslashes from face attribute values.

    Should be:

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues


    I have the following code and I am trying to get the long word in the table to wrap so that it doesn’t overflow from the pdf.

    Wrapping in the table works if one uses table-layout: fixed, but pd4ml doesn’t support this so in the pdf the end result is overflow.

    Is there some other way to get the text in the table to wrap?

    Title1 Title2
    short LongWordLongWordLongWordLongWordLongWordLongWordLongWordLongWordLongWordLongWordLongWordLongWordLongWordLongWordLongWordLongWordLongWordLongWordLongWordLongWord

    in reply to: word-wrap: break-word doesn’t seem to work for tables

    I used your sample HTML code and got a correct result. See attached.

    Which verion of PD4ML do you use?

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    Hi all,

    Because my JSP pages are accessed through Struts framework using actions mapped by URLs like “” and this actions are also hidden in the URLs, i can’t actually use the URL to render with pd4ml library (i’m using the demo Pro version to be able to see some results for intregrating the library withing one of our applications).
    So, as a result, from the client side (browser), i’m getting the HTML String of the document of the current page using javascript, and send it to server side of the application as a request parameter.

    A. So, in the HTML string, i have a CSS file reference, which is used in my pages to apply styles. The reference in the HTML string is like the following (which is ofcorce inside the tag):

    On the server side, i’m reading the corresponding request parameter and i get the HTML string. Here i’m calling:

    StringReader htmlReader = new StringReader(htmlString);
    FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(outTempFile);
    pd4ml.render(htmlReader, fos);

    Problems: as it is now, the CSS is not applyed at all to the resulted PDF document. The pdf document looks likes there is no stylesheet applyed at all. Can someone please tell me if there is any possibility to reference my CSS file in myHTML string in such a maner that the “render” method to be ablee to actually “see it”?

    B. Next, as a workaround, i’ve made a try to apply the stylesheet to the pd4ml object. So, i’m loading the entire CSS file in a String variable and just set it against pd4ml object:

    String cssData = readFileAsString(stylePath);

    Again, there are some problems: the styles are all applyed, except those which set a backround image, like:

    #header {
    background: url(“images/topnav.gif”) center bottom no-repeat;
    height: 102px;
    width: 100%;
    position: absolute;
    z-index: 10;

    None of my styles of this kind are rendered correct. In the rendered pdf docuement, there is no image where it shuld be added as a background CSS style.

    Can someone please give me a shoot if has any idea for A. or B. problems?
    Thank you in advance for the answers.

    PS: if any more details are required, please let me know.

    in reply to: word-wrap: break-word doesn’t seem to work for tables

    Thanks for the quick response.

    I have version 3.6.0fx1.

    Now that I see that you got it to work I looked into my problem again more closely. It turns out the application wasn’t using the css word-wrap in the pdf because the plcase where I put it wasn’t included to the html the pdf was made out of.

    I moved the word-wrap definition and got it to work. I also discovered that pd4ml doesn’t require the property table-layout:fixed, this is only needed to make the tables wrap in the browser view.

    Thanks for the support!

    in reply to: CSS of a HTML string rendering problem – Java

    A good starting point to analyze the problem reasons is to switch debug on:


    I suspect it will output to server’s log traces of attempts to load


    which is obviously incorrect. In order to let PD4ML interpret /broker-module/BL.css as a web path you would need to pass either the servlet context or HTTP request object to PD4ML. It could be done with the following API calls.

    [language=java:1w9ymuy5]useServletContext(ServletContext ctx)
    useHttpRequest(HttpServletRequest httpRequest, HttpServletResponse httpResponse)[/language:1w9ymuy5]

    in reply to: CSS of a HTML string rendering problem – Java

    thanks for the response. i’ve resolved that problem.

    no, i want to add a header and footer to the rendered pdf doc.
    for this i’ dooing the following:

    private PD4PageMark getPageHeader(String htmlString)
    String headerBody = “

    PD4PageMark header = new PD4PageMark();
    header.setAreaHeight( -1 ); // autocompute
    header.setHtmlTemplate( headerBody );
    return header;

    In my html document, in the CSS file i have a stule class which difines the “header” with a background image.
    How can i use the same CSS file when adding a header to the pd4ml object?

    in reply to: General questions / FAQ

    Hello PD4ML Support Team,

    Can you help me to create a PDF using file stream please?
    I am able to generate a PDf using Response.Outputstream but when I use file stream in place of outputStream I am getting access denied error even though I gave write access to IIS user and other users.

    And also I am looking for a solution to create a pdf and open that for users on the go without saving to any physical location, user can save it, open it or cancel the action based on their requirement. Is it possible to do that?

    Your help is much appreciated.


    Thanks and Regards,

    in reply to: CSS of a HTML string rendering problem – Java

    When you define header via API, it does not inherit styles from the main document. So you need to explicitly refer the style from the HTML header code:
    [language=java:14ygxtuv]String headerBody = “” +
    ” +

    header.setHtmlTemplate( headerBody );[/language:14ygxtuv]

    in reply to: General questions / FAQ

    Hi PD4ML
    when am try to change other language every where i get language support perfectly but when i cheking in tag i got a question mark. language can’t changed<br /> <font class="<%=fontStyleDblSingl%>“><egui:intnl text="reporter.common.Reporter"></egui:intnl></font><br />   –   <font class="<%=fontStyleDblSingl%>“><egui:intnl text="reporter.common.Print"></egui:intnl></font>
    Thanks in Advance



    Tried with following latest builds, however result is still same.

    PD4ML Java Library Pro Trial

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