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  • in reply to: Odd problem with a UTF-8 dash/minus character

    Also, using:


    solves this issue, so it seems to be related to UTF-8 changes in JDK9:

    in reply to: Is vertical-align supported?

    Hi jamesy!

    Thanks for pointing out the list of supported CSS properties. I’ve overlooked it
    somehow (and I’m ashamed now).

    Whatever trouble I had back then it’s irrelevant by now.


    in reply to: Odd problem with a UTF-8 dash/minus character

    Sorry for the delay with the reply and thanks a lot for the very useful info you provided. Now we are trying to reproduce the issue to find a workaround (to avoid the need in the env setting)…

    in reply to: Issues with configure.fonts

    Hi Florian! The strange results you got have no good explanation. The command line should produce file (not .fonts).

    Could you please try something like that:
    java -jar pd4ml.jar -configure.fonts c:/windows/fonts c:/tmp

    It should produce the .properties file for the standard Windows fonts in c:/tmp (assuming the target directory exists)

    in reply to: setHtmlTemplate Method not working


    1. Make sure you use not Std, but Pro (or a derived Volume) version of PD4ML
    2. Do you call pd4ml.setPageHeader(pdfHEADER); afterwards?

    in reply to: Troubleshooting


    Referring to an older subject pdf-generation-troubleshooting-f4/broken-png-image-file-hangs-pd4ml-generator-forever-t650.html

    We see this kind of problems still (or again)?

    There is code i PD4ML that gets the size of an image, and if width is < 0, it waits 10 ms and then tries again. Forever... In our web app, this happens regularly. Probably this is with a PNG image that Java considers bad in some way. The code (disassembled obfuscated code) looks like this: <br /> public final PixelGrabber new(int var1) {<br /> int var2 = this.Ö00000.getHeight(this.ø00000);<br /> int var3 = this.Ö00000.getWidth(this.ø00000);<br /> <br /> while(var2 < 0) {<br /> var2 = this.Ö00000.getHeight(this.ø00000);<br /> var3 = this.Ö00000.getWidth(this.ø00000);<br /> if (this.ÒO0000 != null && this.ÒO0000.length() > 4 && this.ÒO0000.substring(0, 5).toLowerCase().equals("data:")) {<br /> var2 = 1;<br /> var3 = 1;<br /> this.Ö00000 = new BufferedImage(1, 1, 2);<br /> break;<br /> }<br /> <br /> try {<br /> Thread.sleep(10L);<br /> } catch (InterruptedException var14) {<br /> ;<br /> }<br /> }<br /> The inifinte loop here is the problem. I see two problems here, one beeing the infinite loop, the other being that it ignores the InterruptedException. You should probablty give up here and just add a "broken image" after a number of iterations? Please advise, can we trust PD4ML to handle this some way, or do we need to change to another library? Best regards, Palle Girgensohn

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues


    Does anyone know if CSS counters are supported? I need to do something like this example:

    <br /> <ol><br /> <li>item</li> <!-- 1 --><br /> <li>item <!-- 2 --><br /> <ol><br /> <li>item</li> <!-- 2.1 --><br /> <li>item</li> <!-- 2.2 --><br /> <li>item <!-- 2.3 --><br /> <ol><br /> <li>item</li> <!-- 2.3.1 --><br /> <li>item</li> <!-- 2.3.2 --><br /> </ol><br /> <ol><br /> <li>item</li> <!-- 2.3.1 --><br /> <li>item</li> <!-- 2.3.2 --><br /> <li>item</li> <!-- 2.3.3 --><br /> </ol><br /> </li><br /> <li>item</li> <!-- 2.4 --><br /> </ol><br /> </li><br /> <li>item</li> <!-- 3 --><br /> <li>item</li> <!-- 4 --><br /> </ol><br /> <ol><br /> <li>item</li> <!-- 1 --><br /> <li>item</li> <!-- 2 --><br /> </ol><br />

    in reply to: HTML/CSS rendering issues

    we have a problem with our pdfs because of polish letters
    like in Szczepański.

    We generate our pdfs through Php calling -Djava.awt.headless=true -cp ./pd4ml.jar Pd4Cmd
    how could we fix this issue?

    in reply to: Problem with polish Letters

    now with a real account here

    in reply to: Problem with polish Letters

    In order to display glyphs, not belong to Latin-1 charset, you need to provide a reference to a TTF fonts directory (with in it) or add a fonts.jar to the classpath and point to a fonts folder in it.

    [language=java:3ens62ck]java -Djava.awt.headless=true -cp ./pd4ml.jar Pd4Cmd -ttf /work/myfonts[/language:3ens62ck]

    [language=java:3ens62ck]java -Djava.awt.headless=true -cp ./pd4ml.jar:./fonts.jar Pd4Cmd -ttf java:defaultfonts[/language:3ens62ck]

    See also:

    in reply to: Problem with polish Letters

    thanks for the quick reply

    i have this call in the eval.php
    java -Xmx512m -Djava.awt.headless=true -cp ./pd4ml.jar:./fonts.jar Pd4Cmd “file:/var/www/pd4ml/eval_3073” 800 -insets 15,15,15,15,mm -orientation PORTRAIT -out “/var/www/pd4ml/eval_3073.pdf” -ttf java:defaultfonts

    and the /var/www/pd4ml folder is like this:

    but results don’t change it’s still

    any ideas?

    in reply to: Problem with polish Letters

    What is the internal structure of your fonts.jar ? Does it have /defaultfonts root folder (as it referenced from the command-line) and does the folder contain ?

    in reply to: Problem with polish Letters

    no it’s plain

    in the root of the jar
    how is -ttf java:defaultfonts supposed to be?
    or can i remove it?

    in reply to: Problem with polish Letters

    great it works! thank you very much!

    in reply to: Problem with polish Letters

    Glad it works for you!

    If the fonts.jar structure is plain, the parameter should be -ttf java:.

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