Please follow the link to the corresponding section in the Reference manual.
2. Integration of PD4ML with ColdFusion Standard edition
Unfortunately not all runtime modes of ColdFusion allow to use JSP tag libraries. In that case the only way to
integrate PD4ML is to use PD4ML Java API.
The following is the integration example .cfm contributed by David REYNAUD:
<html> <head> <title>PD4ML under CFMX 6.x Std Edition</title> </head> <body> <!--- BEFORE RUNNING : Idea 1 : put the JAR file : pd4ml_demo.jar in the same folder as current CFM page Idea 2 : maybe you can put the JAR file : pd4ml_demo.jar into the ColfdFusion's CustomTags directory Idea 3 : use the ColdFusion Admin to configure classpath to use the jar ---> <cfscript> // The source file to convert (http:// or file:) inURI="file:n:/web/tests/pd4ml/test.html"; // The pdf file to generate (full pathname) fileOut="n:/web/tests/pd4ml/test.pdf"; unnitsvalue="mm"; // Millimeters // A4 'vertical' in mm format = createObject("java","java.awt.Dimension").init(210,297); topValue = 10; // mm leftValue = 10; // mm rightValue = 10; // mm bottomValue = 10; // mm landscapevalue="yes"; userSpaceWidth=780; // px splitValue=0; patchValue=1; authorName=""; // PD4ML Object instantiation pd4ml = createObject("java","org.zefer.pd4ml.PD4ML"); // Format, orientation, insets if (landscapeValue) format = pd4ml.changePageOrientation(format); insets = createObject("java","java.awt.Insets") .init(topValue,leftValue,bottomValue,rightValue); if (unnitsvalue EQ "mm") { pd4ml.setPageSizeMM(format); pd4ml.setPageInsetsMM(insets); } else { pd4ml.setPageSize(format); pd4ml.setPageInsets(insets); } if(authorName NEQ "") pd4ml.setAuthorName(authorname); if (userSpaceWidth NEQ "") pd4ml.setHtmlWidth( userSpaceWidth ); pd4ml.enableImgSplit( splitValue ); pd4ml.enableRenderingPatch( patchValue ); fos = createObject("java","").init(fileOut); pd4ml.render(inURI,fos); // Start rendering </cfscript> <cfoutput>File '#inURI#' converted to '#fileOut#'</cfoutput> </body> </html>