
but I think I made orther mistakes:

1. I create font/ directory c:ntt and copy arial.ttf.
2. run pd4font.properties generation command
java -jar pd4ml.jar -configure.fonts c:nttfont
3. use this command
C:ntt>java -Xmx512m -cp .pd4ml_demo.jar Pd4Cmd "file:arrow.xml" 1200 A4 -debug -out test.pdf -ttf "C:nttfont"

this is the answer:
<br /> version: PD4ML 360fx1b1 Pro (eval)<br /> not yet in cache: file:C:nttfont/pd4fonts.properties<br /> not yet in cache: font/arial.ttf<br /> resource font/arial.ttf not found.<br /> can not find 'arial' at font/arial.ttf<br /> reject TTF lookup for: 'arial'<br /> 'sans-serif' is not in pd4fonts.properties file<br /> reject TTF lookup for: 'sans-serif'<br /> 'verdana' is not in pd4fonts.properties file<br /> reject TTF lookup for: 'verdana'<br /> ...<br /> 'courier new' is not in pd4fonts.properties file<br /> reject TTF lookup for: 'courier new'<br /> done in 1109ms.<br />
and the arrow is yet a cross… 🙁