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  • #26375

    Why if I use → I’ll see in pdf generated a cross and not a right arrow?


    No idea?

    I have found this problem using tinymce. In this WYSIWYG editor there a symbles’ table, each symble is added to the textarea like a html entities.

    We are going to buy a pro license, but we need to have full support for this editor.

    Until now we used PISA, but it’s very slow. PD4ML is surprisingly fast. 😀



    is substituted with code 0x2192, which is represented as a right arrow in most of popular TTF fonts. I tested with Arial and the entity is shown in PDF correctly as the arrow.

    If you got another character, I would recommend to check which font is used to render it and to make sure it has a correct glyph for the code.



    Why doesn’t it work on my pc? Maybe because my is an evaluation version?

    My tinymce sets arial as default font and doesn’t permit to change it to client.

    Maybe I have to do something to use these kind of symbols?



    Please create a document with the only right arrow entity using Tinymce, generate PDF and send it to support by email or attach to a post in the topic. We’ll check what is wrong there.


    Here is the files!
    I generated it using this comand:
    > java -Xmx512m -cp .pd4ml_demo.jar Pd4Cmd "file:arrow.xml" 1200 A4 -debug -out test.pdf


    OK, now it is clear.
    In order to output special characters you need to utilize TTF embedding feature:

    Pd4Cmd has a dedicated parameter -ttf to point to a fonts directory.


    but I think I made orther mistakes:

    1. I create font/ directory c:ntt and copy arial.ttf.
    2. run generation command
    java -jar pd4ml.jar -configure.fonts c:nttfont
    3. use this command
    C:ntt>java -Xmx512m -cp .pd4ml_demo.jar Pd4Cmd "file:arrow.xml" 1200 A4 -debug -out test.pdf -ttf "C:nttfont"

    this is the answer:
    <br /> version: PD4ML 360fx1b1 Pro (eval)<br /> not yet in cache: file:C:nttfont/<br /> not yet in cache: font/arial.ttf<br /> resource font/arial.ttf not found.<br /> can not find 'arial' at font/arial.ttf<br /> reject TTF lookup for: 'arial'<br /> 'sans-serif' is not in file<br /> reject TTF lookup for: 'sans-serif'<br /> 'verdana' is not in file<br /> reject TTF lookup for: 'verdana'<br /> ...<br /> 'courier new' is not in file<br /> reject TTF lookup for: 'courier new'<br /> done in 1109ms.<br />
    and the arrow is yet a cross… 🙁


    Could you please post content


    #this is an autogenerated file. please remove manually any references to copyrighted fonts
    #Fri Apr 16 14:47:04 CEST 2010


    Try to remove or comment font.dir.location=font line out.


    from comand line, it works.
    Now I try in my java application trough pd4ml object.

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