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  • #26666


    After years of successfully using pd4ml for various document export, we are extending its use to export an almost arbitrary page.
    One of the issues we run into is the following:

    “An absolutely positioned element within an anchor parent (not a link, rather the parent that the positioning eventually refers to) that has a padding on the side we position from – ie. absolute positioning from left and a left padding on the parent – will get positioned within the padding boundaries rather than the element itself.”

    That behavior is different from that of all browsers I could test, who consistently relate to the element’s box disregarding the padding.

    An example:
    <br /> <div style="padding:0 0 0 90px;position:relative;top:0;left:0;border:2px solid black;width:50em;height:90px;"><br /> <img src="" title="This image should appear exactly in the left top corner of the parent box" style="width:80px;position:absolute;top:0;left:0;"><br /> The image should appear exactly in the left top corner of the parent box. but due to the left padding, PD4ML renders it shifted to the right by the size of the padding and the image covers this text.<br /> </div><br />
    or a live link here (it can be used in the PD4ML GUI – many thanks for that tool!):

    Would that make a fixable issue?
    If there was such a report already, please point me there and disregard my posting.

    Ah yes – the version we use is PD4ML HTML2PDF for Java, version 380fx2.

    Best regards,


    Ping. Any idea on this, anyone? 🙂


    @vk_iconparc wrote:

    Ping. Any idea on this, anyone? 🙂

    Sorry to have to do this – but is there any response to this from the authors?


    Few minutes ago I replied to another your question and referenced the issue as well.


    @PD4ML wrote:

    Few minutes ago I replied to another your question and referenced the issue as well.

    Ah, sorry and thank you. We must have been writing simultaneously.
    I’ll put one together and post it ASAP.

    Thank you and have a nice evening from freezing Munich!

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