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  • #26406

    Hi PD4ML
    when i am trying in Adobe Reader version4.0 i am not get some images in side my pdf page but, I had seen images in Adobe version 7.x. why i couldn’t see in version4.x? how can i see in Version 4.x

    Thanks in Advance


    Dinesh, PD4ML outputs PDFs, which are only compatible with Acroread 5 and newer.


    If i install a new version say Adobe version 9.1 today then should i need to update my pd4ml.jar, or how would i know that this jar’s compatible adobe version.



    PDF format versions are backward compatible. PD4ML outputs PDFs compatible with Acroread 5 and newer. (Even if you use Acroread 4, it will ignore all features it does not “understand”)

    Acroread 9.1 should introduce no problems at all, so no PD4ML update is necessary.

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