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  • #26877

    Hi Team

    I have a pdf with two pages, in this, we have an article summary(title, autor details) & article details which is in a

    the style is given as page-break-inside:auto.
    In some cases, if the article details fits into a page, then the article details alone comes to the next page leaving the article summary alone in the first page & lot of white spaces in the first page as the article details alone comes to the next page.

    We don’t want the article details to go into the second page if it fits to a single page. We always want to split it between pages, how to achieve this. We have given style as page-break-inside:auto for this, we have used enableTableBreaks(true) for the whole PDF which we can’t change. Could you please suggest why it is not working with page-break-inside:auto.

    Is there any option like page-break-inside:always which always breaks the content

    Please suggest us , we are using v397

    Sarin T S


    enableTableBreaks(true) implicitly sets

    [language=css:2dgi6m14]TABLE, TR {page-break-inside: avoid}[/language:2dgi6m14]

    Try to override it with

    [language=css:2dgi6m14]TABLE {page-break-inside: auto !important}[/language:2dgi6m14]


    thank you for your reply

    we have used page break inside auto !important, but this does not always breaks the content, if the contents fits into a page, it moves into the next page automatically making a lot of white space in the first page. we dont require this, we always want to break the content, could you please tell how we can achieve this, thanks

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