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  • #27030

    We have license for PD4ML which we purchased in 2011 and mainly used for PDF reports in Java; Enterprise applications were running on Websphere 6.x.

    Now we are migrating the applications onto Websphere 8.x. The development IDE I am using is Eclipse (Luna version).
    Even if I test a simple PDF, it is failing with a blank screen? I put the same pd4ml.jar and pd4ml_tl.jar in the classpath.

    Any idea why this is happening?? I appreciate your help.

    Code for the testing PDF:
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="pd4ml" %><%@page<br /> contentType="text/html; charset=ISO8859_1"%><pd4ml:transform<br /> screenWidth="840"<br /> pageFormat="A4"<br /> pageOrientation="landscape"<br /> pageInsets="10,10,10,10,points"<br /> enableImageSplit="false"<br /> enableTableBreaks="true"><br /> <pd4ml:footer<br /> pageNumberTemplate="Testing"<br /> titleAlignment="left"<br /> pageNumberAlignment="left"<br /> color="#008000"<br /> initialPageNumber="1"<br /> fontSize="12"<br /> fontStyle="bold"<br /> areaHeight="16"/><br /> <HTML><br /> <BODY><br /> <br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br /> <b> Just testing to see if it prints anything on screen or blank problem still exists? <br><br /> Just testing to see if it prints anything on screen or blank problem still exists? <br><br /> Just testing to see if it prints anything on screen or blank problem still exists? <br><br /> Just testing to see if it prints anything on screen or blank problem still exists? <br><br /> Just testing to see if it prints anything on screen or blank problem still exists? <br><br /> Just testing to see if it prints anything on screen or blank problem still exists? <br><br /> Just testing to see if it prints anything on screen or blank problem still exists? <br><br /> Just testing to see if it prints anything on screen or blank problem still exists? <br><br /> </b><br /> </BODY><br /> </HTML><br /> </pd4ml:transform>


    Any exception stacktraces in the server’s log?


    No exception stack trace or error message in log file which puzzled me to figure out what was going wrong !

    Of course one difference between Websphere 6.x and 8.x is: previous one is Servlet 2.4/JSP 2.0 specs where as the new one is Servlet 3.0 and JSP 2.2 if that in some way can be an issue?



    If you use an old version of PD4ML there is a probability your ss_css2.jar includes some DOM classes which conflict with identical ones on the target platform.

    A good test would be to download one of the recent PD4ML versions (even evaluation) and to test if the issue reproducible.


    I will download and test the recent version and let you know what happens.


    Well, something does not sound right.
    I replaced the old pd4ml_tl.jar with the new pd4ml_tl_demo.jar. I also updated the pd4ml.tld

    When I tested my simple test, this time too, the screen was blank and no errors. I also tested the index.jsp that came with the download and even that was showing 2 blank pages.

    Am I missing something? or the Websphere 8.x on Eclipse some how is not making this work?


    Sorry, my bad, I forgot to replace pd4ml_demo.jar with the original one. I will test again and update here.


    No, it is not working even now; I get blank PDF’s without any error.
    I downloaded the demo jars from trial version 3.9.8b1

    Any clue what is causing this problem? Thanks


    With Internet Explorer and Chrome, it come blank.
    If I try with Firefox, it comes blank but it does give some warning like ‘This PDF document might not be displayed correctly.


    OK, please do the following.

    Temporarily add enable=”false” attribute to and open the page in a web browser. It should return HTML. Save the HTML.

    Remove the attribute and generate a PDF (it is blank, according to your report). Save it.

    Please send the both docs to support pd4ml com


    Thanks. I was busy until today, so could not get back.
    I just now sent an email as you suggested and hopefully we can figure out and fix the problem soon. Thanks again


    Hi PD4ML,

    I sent the email to you (support at pd4ml dot com) regarding the blank PDF problem along with attachments.
    Did you guys find any problem in my code and any work around solution to fix the problem?

    Thanks and I appreciate your help.


    Yes, we received the files. Thank you!

    The sample HTML is quite simple and it should not cause any problems with conversion. We’ve been analyzing what could be an issue reason.

    BTW: you did not send a blank PDF sample for the doc. Could you please send it?

    Or under “blank PDF” you meant a blank browser frame (no PDF, no PDF viewer plugin)?


    Thanks for such a quick response. I know it should be evening time there 🙂
    I did send a blank PDF with attachment by name “TestPDF.pdf”. You did not get it? I don’t know if either of our mail servers filtered it for some security reason. I doubt though.

    It is not a blank browser frame. It does show as a PDF and when I right-click to check document properties, it does show as Application: PD4ML. HTML to PDF Converter for Java (398b1)

    I am also not understanding why the PDF is not showing anything. I do have ss_css2.jar in classpath but I believe the PD4ML Java v3.9.8b1 version does not use ss_css2.jar anymore.

    Thanks again


    Oh, my fault – I overlooked the PDF (it appeared in the mail message as a white rectangle on a white background). We’ll address the issue tomorrow.

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