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  • #26331

    Is there any way to use CSS in the header? I would like to use a background color. Thanks!


    Yes. For example try to define the header like that:


    Header text: $[page] of $[total]



    I think I see what you are saying here. Now my question is: can I have dynamic content in the header based on what is in a variable as the page is being rendered?
    The value of myVar will change as the page is being rendered.

    [language=xml:3e5dmwzd] <%=myVar%> [/language:3e5dmwzd]
    I am new to PD4ML — thanks for the help!


    It is easy to mix different methods to define HTML headers in PD4ML.

    So first please take a look to the following topic:

    In the code
    [language=xml:26hdax88] <%=myVar%> [/language:26hdax88]
    <%=myVar%> will be substituted with myVar value before the document is passed to PD4ML. So from PD4ML perspective it is going to be a static text (value). The only variable dynamically changes its value from page to page is $[page]

    To define different headers for different pages you need to do something like that:
    [language=xml:26hdax88] <%=myVar%> <%=myAnotherVar%> yet another var or static text [/language:26hdax88]


    That is what I needed to know – I really think it is a great product!

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