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  • #26690


    I have the stranges bugs going on..
    – If I dont set a font-size on a specific element the custom font won´t get applied.
    – If I set the font-size to 16px the custom font is not applied (15 works just fine).
    – I can´t use % to set font-size (if I do it will ignore the custom font)
    – “page-break-inside:aviod” dont work on div or p tags (only tables??)

    So these are the bugs that I struggle with at the moment and any help is much appreciated! 🙂



    This whole font-size bug is really bugging me!..
    some times it seems to work and some times not???…


    Obviously we need more input from your side: HTML sample, Java code snippet, TTF file (if it is not a commonly used one) etc.

    But first try to download the just-released v380fx3 – hopefully it solves some of the issues you reported.


    Font-size and custom font issue seems to be fixed now.. so now It´s just the page-break-inside issue left 🙂


    I spoke to soon 🙁

    ok.. so now I´m trying this:
    body * {<br /> background: none;<br /> font-size:20px;<br /> font-family:"HM Ampersand Ultra Light";<br /> }

    and it´s applying the font, but if I change to 14px it dosent?
    I have tried all combinations I can think of :/

    Targeting classes, spans, divs, p tags, with “*” selector etc etc…

    I can´t post the font because I´m not sure if that is ok with the customer.. but I doubt that there is a problem with the font file.

    I have tried setting Arial on body and Times on h2 and that works but I can´t get it to work with custom fonts..

    Is there a limit to the number of custom fonts that can be used?


    Is “pt” or “%” supported? or is it only px?


    “pt” and “%” should also work. “pt” is converted on-a-fly to “px” bearing in mind 72dpi resolution. (optionally pd4ml.protectPhysicalUnitDimensions() API call suppresses the size conversions, but it has its drawbacks)

    The issue you experience with font size is quite strange.

    Try to temporarily define any other TTF font instead of HM Ampersand Ultra Light, i.e. Comic Sans MS. Is the problem still there?


    i’ve also has same problem in font-size it seem the result of the pdf ( i use coldfusion)

    here’s the code :

    Test pdf4ML

    FontSizeArial18 FontSizeArial18 FontSizeArial18 FontSizeArial18 FontSizeArial18 FontSizeArial18 FontSizeArial18 FontSizeArial18

    *) margins with same values are not exactly the same in pd4ml and default especially left margin is smaller in pd4ml check for other margins as well   <tahoma 20>

    there’s a different result when i use pd4ml and cfdocument there’s gap between each line and the font size seem to be different

    thank you


    @ary.yuniarti wrote:

    i’ve also has same problem in font-size it seem the result of the pdf ( i use coldfusion)

    here’s the code :

    Test pdf4ML

    FontSizeArial18 FontSizeArial18 FontSizeArial18 FontSizeArial18 FontSizeArial18 FontSizeArial18 FontSizeArial18 FontSizeArial18

    *) margins with same values are not exactly the same in pd4ml and default especially left margin is smaller in pd4ml check for other margins as well   <tahoma 20>

    there’s a different result when i use pd4ml and cfdocument there’s gap between each line and the font size seem to be different

    thank you

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