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  • #27191

    Hello everyone, I’m having a problem generating my PDF from PD4ML. I generate the whole HTML and e error: javax.servlet.ServletException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Stream handler unavailable due to: null when trying to execute line 9 of the command below:

    1. PD4ML html = new PD4ML ();<br /> 2. Dimension landscapeA4 = html.changePageOrientation (PD4Constants.A4);<br /> 3. landscapeA4.setSize (595, 842);<br /> 4. html.setPageSize (landscapeA4);<br /> 5. html.setPageInsets (new Insets (20, 10, 20, 10));<br /> 6. html.adjustHtmlWidth ();<br /> 7. html.enableDebugInfo ();<br /> 8. Base URL = new URL ("file: C: \ gip_upload \ upload \");<br /> 9. html.render (isr, fos, base);<br />

    More interesting is that my HTML starts with the tags “ … “. That way it gives the error mentioned, but when I remove these tags it manages to create the PDF however unconfigured and out of standard.


    Could you also publish initialization of isr and fos (it is not clear what is behind them) as well as full exception stack trace?


    @PD4ML wrote:

    Could you also publish initialization of isr and fos (it is not clear what is behind them) as well as full exception stack trace?

    Agree please share more details!

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