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  • #26642


    I am currently evaluating PD4ML, using it in Coldfusion.
    I am very pleased so far.

    When I generate a TOC with the tag,
    I have a title and a subtitle above the tag. Both are headings.
    Code looks like this:



    As you see I was trying to hide these 2 titles from the TOC, with what I thought was the correct command: pd4ml-bookmark-visibility: hidden

    Unfortunately they still show up. What am I doing wrong?




    PD4ML can generate TOC and bookmarks (outlines) from H1-H6 structure.

    Bookmark structure usually appears in a side frame of Acroread viewer; TOC is inserted as a substitution of tag into the document body.

    pd4ml-bookmark-visibility property impacts generation of bookmarks only.

    Currently we work on the documentation update, the work is not done yet. But you may take a look to the relevant sections – hopefully it helps:


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