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  • #27208

    We are using floating for showing several options. If one option is to long and causes a break, following short options are moved in front of the long options.
    But we need to keep the order.
    <br /> <html><br /> <head><br /> <style><br /> .fb-selectmanycheckbox {<br /> margin-top: 0px;<br /> }<br /> .fb-selectmanycheckbox .fb-checkbox {<br /> float:left;<br /> margin-left:-35px;<br /> }<br /> .fb-checkbox-box {<br /> border: 1px solid #bdc3c7;<br /> height: 20px;<br /> width: 20px;<br /> padding: 1px 0 0 5px;<br /> line-height: 1;<br /> }<br /> .fb-check {<br /> margin-right: 25px;<br /> padding-left: 35px;<br /> padding-bottom: 10px;<br /> }<br /> .fb-check-inline {<br /> float:left;<br /> }<br /> .fb-check-label {<br /> padding-right: 15px;<br /> }<br /> </style><br /> </head><br /> <br /> <body><br /> <div><br /> <div><br /> <div><br /> <div class="fb-selectmanycheckbox"><br /> <div class="fb-check fb-check-inline"><br /> <div class="fb-checkbox"><br /> <div class="fb-checkbox-box"></div><br /> </div><br /> <span class="fb-check-label">one</span><br /> </div><br /> <div class="fb-check fb-check-inline"><br /> <div class="fb-checkbox"><br /> <div class="fb-checkbox-box"></div><br /> </div><br /> <span class="fb-check-label">two</span><br /> </div><br /> <div class="fb-check fb-check-inline"><br /> <div class="fb-checkbox"><br /> <div class="fb-checkbox-box"></div><br /> </div><br /> <span class="fb-check-label">three, (longer label, will be moved by pd4ml to the end of the option list)</span><br /> </div><br /> <div class="fb-check fb-check-inline"><br /> <div class="fb-checkbox"><br /> <div class="fb-checkbox-box"></div><br /> </div><br /> <span class="fb-check-label">four</span><br /> </div><br /> <div class="fb-check fb-check-inline"><br /> <div class="fb-checkbox"><br /> <div class="fb-checkbox-box"></div><br /> </div><br /> <span class="fb-check-label">five</span><br /> </div><br /> </div><br /> </div><br /> </div><br /> </div><br /> </body><br /> </html><br />


    PD4ML v4 implements the float positioning logic as expected:


    That’s great. The ordering is correct now.
    Unfortunately, soft hypen (shy) are always rendered, not only on line breaks.
    Is there an overview of supported feature for the 4.0 release?

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