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  • #26527

    Hi Masters,

    help me please i need that all my document except header and footer are in Arial of 12 in size its maybe simple but i don’t know.
    the code i am using is:

    pd4ml.setDefaultTTFs(“Arial”, “Arial”, “Arial”);

    help me with some clue, thanks


    First I would recommend to comment
    pd4ml.setDefaultTTFs(“Arial”, “Arial”, “Arial”);

    requires a JAR with fonts in the classpath. Is there one?


    @PD4ML wrote:

    First I would recommend to comment
    pd4ml.setDefaultTTFs(“Arial”, “Arial”, “Arial”);

    requires a JAR with fonts in the classpath. Is there one?

    OK but also need that all the text is formatted on 12 point in size of the font, Arial 12pts is there any command or method for this ???

    Thanks for your time


    I guess I got what the problem you faced with. It is not with the font face, but with the font size.

    Does the hint help?

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