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  • #33954

    Evaluating pd4ml and trying to apply the license information but still getting inverted page with demo banner.

    It’s a small web app using Maven / Spring Boot. 4.0.9 and 4.0.9-SNAPSHOT tried.

    Tried to add license file to various locations in the classpath and then apply with pd4ml.applyLicense(‘pd4ml.lic’) but code can’t find the license file (set log level to 255).

    I’ve also tried to supply the license as a string to the constructor of pdf4ml, but same result there.

    String license = "xxxxxxx"; PD4ML pd4ml = new PD4ML(license);

    Any clues or pointers where to look?


    You did everything correctly. If you do not apply an evaluation license, PD4ML is in demo mode. The difference between demo and evaluation mode is not that big: the banner is not suppressed, but it is not annoyingly contrast. And there are few minor differences.

    Is the banner “demo mode” or “evaluation mode”?

    BTW: I’ve just tested your license code and it appears to be valid.

    > getting inverted page with demo banner

    “inverted page” sounds as a program issue. Could you please email us an HTML sample and its resulting PDF tp helpdesk pd4ml com?



    It’s “evaluation mode”

    Great – I’ll email you the details! Thanks.

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