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  • #26991

    Sometime I need to insert external media objects such as pictures into PDF document (I use tags library). And some of these objects might be PDF or TIFF images so tag can’t be used.
    Is there some solution?
    Thank you in advance!


    You can embed PDFs only as an attachment using tag.

    Some species of TIFFs (Fax) are supported by PD4ML directly, so a regular tag can be used.

    If not, there is a way to implement a custom resource loader to convert a TIFF to PNG, GIFF or JPEG on a fly.



    So I tried the inline option but pdf:attachment tag always asks for src attribute.. If I leave it empty:

    <pd4ml:attachment description="attached.txt" src=""><br /> data:base64,YSxiLGMsZCxlDQp2YWx1ZSAxLCB2YWx1ZSAyLCB2YWx1ZSAzLCB2YWx1ZSA0<br /> </pd4ml:attachment>

    I see just an icon and not the attachment. Do I do something wrong?



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