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  • #26386

    I would like to force a file download rather than displaying the pdf file using the jsp tag lib. Is this possible? I know it is accomplished using the following http header:

    Content-disposition: attachment; filename=name.ext

    where name.ext is the name of the pdf file. I see how to write out the pdf file to disk using pd4ml:savefile, but don’t see how to set the response header.

    Is there an easy way to do this that I am missing?


    If you use PD4ML taglib, you can force “Content-disposition: attachment” header output by inline=”false” attribute of tag. With name attribute you may define a default name.


    Thanks – this works fine except that I can’t control the file name. “name” is not attribute for pd4ml:transform. Do I need to use pd4ml:savefile? I am also having trouble using dynamic content within attributes.


    My mistake. The correct attribute name is fileName


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