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  • #26659


    We bought pd4ml lybrary 1 week ago. We are developing a web application and we use a trial of pd4ml library (apache tomcat 5.5) we generate a pdf from a html string (with css link) and it works fine. But when we put the application on production, the generated pdf doesn´t apply the css styles… we activate the log but there is no problems, only this message:
    “version: PD4ML 380 Pro
    loading CSS file
    Warning: Invalid syntax in CSS selector: “”
    done in 110ms.”

    Can someone help me please??

    thank you!!!


    First you need to resolve the CSS selector error.

    I’ve just checked – it seems to be correct. Probably there are inline styles in your source HTML.


    @PD4ML wrote:

    First you need to resolve the CSS selector error.

    I’ve just checked – it seems to be correct. Probably there are inline styles in your source HTML.

    If i have warnings, no styles applies or only doesn´t apply the warning style??

    why it works in development and doesn´t work in production? i have same code…

    thank you for your quickly answer!!


    Severe CSS error may fail the entire stylesheet applying. However, most probably, it is not your case, but I definitely makes sense to solve the issue.

    > why it works in development and doesn´t work in production? i have same code…

    Try to generate PDFs with bot versions and check in the PDF document properties PD4ML version numbers. Are they the same?


    Good morning!!!

    Finally i get the solution to my problem… it was direction´s port 8080, with another link without port it works fine!!!

    But i don´t understand why with 8080 port it works in local…

    Thank you very much for your interest and your quick answers 🙂


    Glad it works for you now.

    > But i don´t understand why with 8080 port it works in local…

    I suspect network issues: probably the remote server blocks outgoing 8080 requests etc.

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