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  • #26632

    What is the easiest way to troubleshoot images not appearing in the generated pdf?

    Here are the circumstances:

    1. Using demo jar recently downloaded.
    2. Using passthru from php.
    3. Server is ubuntu
    4. Images that are not appearing are on another internal server. I don’t control the server but I have access to the person who does.
    5. I can load the images in my browser. (either by entering their url or by rendering the html being converted).
    6. Images from localhost (i.e. the ubuntu server itself accessed via full url) AND from other external servers are appearing fine. E.g. I loaded the google logo from
    7. I can ping the images server from the ubuntu server.
    8. I tried putting ‘-debug’ at the end of my passthru command and still nothing appears in the apache error or access log.

    Any suggestions on what else I should be looking for?


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