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  • #27110

    We have a page which display the organizational chart.

    The page looks perfect with all the CSS in normal JSP page but when we try to convert it into PDF, it displays data from the first

    only. Rest of the data is not displayed/chopped off.

    We have tried setting the page orientation to Landscape and Portrait. Tried setting the screenwidth too but nothing worked.

    Do we have Horizontal scrolling in pd4ml?

    What could be the issue?



    Please send an HTML sample with its resulting PDF to support pd4ml com


    I have sent an email to on 18th Nov. Didn’t get any reply yet.

    Does it take time to get response from Support? Can someone please let me know if there is any fix for this.

    Can we have horizontal scroll in PDF? If not, what is the alternative?

    We have provided an alternative to display the content in a pop up page (web page) but the users want the content to be downloaded. And to download the content, we need PDF.

    Can someone please help me with this.


    Replied by email.

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