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  • #26418

    I am tring to get a PDF report from a java web project. I am using eclipse helios tomcat server 7.0.
    What I am tring to do is getting a html report as pdf. The jsp taglib seems great but i have a problem at Turkish chars (they don’t shown right at pdf reports).
    I have downloaded and added the taglib project to eclipse.
    But the jsp file doesn’t give me a correct chars.
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="pd4ml"%><br /> <%@page contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"%><br /> <pd4ml:transform screenWidth="400" pageFormat="A5"<br /> pageOrientation="landscape" pageInsets="100,100,100,100,points"<br /> enableImageSplit="false"><br /> <br /> <html><br /> <head><br /> <title>pd4ml test</title><br /> <style type="text/css"><br /> body {<br /> color: #000000;<br /> background-color: #FFFFFF;<br /> font-family: Tahoma, "Sans-Serif";<br /> font-size: 10pt;<br /> }<br /> </style><br /> </head><br /> <body><br /> <br /> Hello, World! ıüöİÖÜŞşÇç<br /> <br /> <pd4ml:page.break /><br /> <br /> Hello, New Page!<br /> <br /> </body><br /> </html><br /> </pd4ml:transform><br />
    Any help would be great.


    By default PD4ML supports Latin-1 charset only. In order to convert international documents you need to configure and utilize TTF embedding feature of PD4ML Pro.

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