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  • #26593


    I’m actually developing with your awesome tool but i have a question. Some sheets of my document need to be configurated on portrait and some of them on landscape (in the same document). There’s some way to do that.

    Im working with JSP and JAVA calling the methods of the pd4ml classes.

    My company its very interested on buy a license of your tool so help us to make a good presentation. thanks


    The default page orientation can be changed by a parameter of tag. It could be defined in HTML/JSP code like that:

    [language=xml:5zd28yqz]… …[/language:5zd28yqz]

    Some more info about tags, supported by PD4ML:


    Thanks it solves my problem but i had one more little question. i have topvalue,left,right and bottom value wich is configured for landscape and need to be changed for portrait for a good visualization help me on this issue.

    in the other hand how is the contact to get a professional licence of this software.


    I am facing same problem. Please advice us.


    Unfortunately there is no out-of-the-box solution for the issue. As a workaround you may define all page insets 10mm, and add extra 20mm using HTML/CSS means (i.e. margin-left or margin-top) where needed.

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