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  • #26506

    Hello Support.

    We implemented pd4ml in our Website, now we are facing the Problem of getting no Images in Firefox and Chrome.

    The Transformation is made with the Taglib, here is the Code:

    <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/pd4ml.tld" prefix="pd4ml" %><%@ page pageEncoding="UTF-8" %><pd4ml:transform<br /> screenWidth="800"<br /> pageFormat="A4"<br /> pageOrientation="portrait"<br /> pageInsets="10,10,10,10,mm"><br /> <br /> WEBSITE<br /> <br /> </pd4ml:transform>

    I added 3 Files:
    HTML.png -> Screen of the Site without transformation (HTML…)
    IE.pdf -> PDF generated by IE 8.0.6001.18702 (with Image)
    Firefox.pdf -> PDF generated by Firefox 3.6.13 (no Image)

    Help or a Hint where to Search for the Solution would be appreciated.


    Try to add debug=”true” attribute to . It forces PD4ML to dump resource URLs it tries to load. Compare what it prints in the two cases to STDOUT/server’s log.

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