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  • #27120

    Hi Folks,

    We have a requirement wherein, we need to display some hyperlinks within a PDF generated from PD4ML as non-actionable. By non-actionable I mean just pure plain text. It should not have an underline as urls have and it should not show up as a URL on hovering the mouse on top of it. It should be as plain text.

    The urls are present within a tag and there is no anchor tags, however the PDF what we view from the Adobe PDF Reader still treats these plain text as hyperlinks. Now we are aware that this is a feature of the reader app to treat a qualified url string as a hyperlink. But as per our requirement we want to somehow override this feature from within the PD4ML so that they are not treated as such.

    I am also aware that we can turn off this feature from the Preferences in Adobe Reader, however that will turn off all the URLs. We need to only disable it in some sections of the PDF.

    Is there a way to embed some code within the PDF using PD4ML so that the reader does not treat a specific url as hyperlink within a PDF?

    Thank You In Advance!!

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