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  • #26286

    I am having a sporadic problem with a nullPointerException when rendering some pages. I have an application where html is stored in a database and then retrieved and rendered by pd4ml. I am not sure what html is causing the problem because we have thousands of users, and I am not sure which one is causing the error. I will try to find out more information, but here is the error just in case someone can tell right away – thanks!

    BlockElement(p) {display=block, margin-left=0, margin-top=0, margin-bottom=scale (100001.171875), margin-right=0}
    ContentElement(pd4content) [ ] {display=block, line-height=1.2000000476837158}

    at java.lang.String.indexOf( Code))
    at org.zefer.cache.d.getResourceAsBytes(Unknown Source)
    at org.zefer.cache.g.getResourceAsBytes(Unknown Source)
    at org.zefer.cache.ResourceCache.getObject(Unknown Source)
    at org.zefer.cache.ResourceCache.getObject(Unknown Source)
    at org.zefer.cache.ResourceCache.getImage(Unknown Source)
    at org.zefer.html.doc.n.thisvoid(Unknown Source)
    at org.zefer.html.doc.n.Õõ0000(Unknown Source)
    at org.zefer.html.doc.n.if(Unknown Source)
    at org.zefer.html.doc.b.b.super(Unknown Source)
    at org.zefer.html.doc.ab.o00000(Unknown Source)
    at org.zefer.html.doc.b.d.super(Unknown Source)
    at org.zefer.html.doc.ab.o00000(Unknown Source)
    at org.zefer.html.doc.p.o00000(Unknown Source)
    at org.zefer.html.doc.p.ÔØ0000(Unknown Source)
    at Source)
    at org.zefer.html.doc.m.o00000(Unknown Source)
    at org.zefer.html.doc.b.d.super(Unknown Source)
    at org.zefer.html.doc.ab.o00000(Unknown Source)
    at org.zefer.html.doc.b.d.super(Unknown Source)
    at org.zefer.html.doc.ab.o00000(Unknown Source)
    at org.zefer.html.doc.Document.layout(Unknown Source)
    at org.zefer.pd4ml.PD4ML.super(Unknown Source)
    at org.zefer.pd4ml.PD4ML.render(Unknown Source)
    at org.zefer.pd4ml.PD4ML.render(Unknown Source)
    at org.zefer.pd4ml.PD4ML.render(Unknown Source)
    at org.zefer.pd4ml.taglib.PD4MLTransformerTag.render(Unknown Source)
    at org.zefer.pd4ml.taglib.PD4MLTransformerTag.doEndTag(Unknown Source)
    at _pd4ml._jspService(


    Please give a try to PD4ML v361b1
    As far as I remember we addressed a similar issue (caused by image parsing in order to determine its type).


    I believe I have figured out what is causing the nullPointerException. It seems to occur when the users are trying to embed an image which is on their local machine into the page. When I view it on my local server, it just disregards the image. However, on our production server (which is HTTPS:) it crashes. That is the only difference in the servers. Is there anything I can do to work around this?



    Which PD4ML version do you currently use? It can be determined from a generated PDF file properties.


    I am using


    Also, one more bit of information — they server that just disregards the image is running on a Windows box, so if the image were on the c: drive, at least the drive would be found. The server that crashes is running on AIX where c: would have no meaning.


    @litacampbell wrote:

    Also, one more bit of information — they server that just disregards the image is running on a Windows box, so if the image were on the c: drive, at least the drive would be found. The server that crashes is running on AIX where c: would have no meaning.

    Hi to All,
    Do you mean with server crash that application server crash or only that the servlets is arising the errror and the application continues to work.
    We’ve the same issue and seems that after this exception the memory is not cleaned and the GC continue to work blocking the work.
    Did you faced anything similar to this ?


    What I am seeing is that as soon as the image is encountered, the page stops rendering at that point. Any data after the image is not seen on the page. It might be a 7 page PDF, but you only see the first 2 pages, for example.

    Also, the URL on the server that fails is using SSL, so that might have something to do with it as well.


    I have some more information. We just changed to WebLogic for our application server, and I am able to find the line of code that is throwing the nullPointerException:

    if (__tag0.doEndTag()== javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag.SKIP_PAGE){

    Also, it seems to happen only over SSL.

    Thanks for any help you can give me.


    Weblogic + HTTPS is always a problem, as Weblogic provides its own SSL layer, not implementing Java’s standard SSL interfaces. Usually that casues ClassCastException, however the problem can expose itself different ways.

    Because of a need to include proprietary SSL interfaces (WebSphere is another problem platform, from the perspective) – we do not claim, that PD4ML supports HTTPS. It may work with HTTPS, but it is not guaranteed.

    I am not sure, the actual problem is SSL-specific. There are some nuances in HTTP session handling and JSP tag instances reusing under Weblogic. If you’d like to debug – we are ready to provide you with PD4ML taglib sources. Please contact support pd4ml com.


    Thanks! I will contact support pd4ml com.

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