HTML to PDF / DOCX / RTF Java converter library Forums PD4ML v3 Archived Forums (Read Only) HTML/CSS rendering issues PD4ML attempts to download ‘background-image: none/inherit’

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  • #26384

    We are using PD4ML for Java 360fx1b1 for one of our projects and wonder about strange calls of URLs like $document_base_url/none when rendering pages as PDF.

    Debugging has identified this as the effect of following definitions in our CSS
    background-image: none;
    The same happens for the value ‘inherit’.
    Why does PD4ML attempt to download the none or inherit values as images, even though these are valid CSS values for background-image and PD4ML itself lists these as supported?

    Could this be in connection with our setting BASE meta tag for the document to the full URL of the document being rendered (as to be able to use external CSS)?

    Please let me know if any ruthre input can help you investigate the issue


    A bugfix will be available with v360fx1 release.


    Was the problem known already?

    Anyhow – that’s good news, thank you. Any idea of the estimated release date?


    on Monday, May 10

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