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  • #26591

    I want to create PDF/A by using Pd4ml jar.
    Currently i have pd4ml.volume.371b9 version which supports PDF/A.
    I have read on
    for PDF/A support.
    Is is mentioned there that PDF/A generation mode requires pd4ml_rc.jar is in the same directory where pd4ml.jar is.
    From where should i get pd4ml_rc.jar ?
    Also for PDF/A there are two conformance levels.
    1) PDF/A-1a
    2) PDF/A-1b
    But PDF/A generated using Pd4ml jar is of which conformance level?

    Please Reply.

    Amol B.


    > Currently i have pd4ml.volume.371b9 version which supports PDF/A.

    It is not quite correct. You own the regular volume license. There is also “PD4ML Volume DMS Edition”, which adds PDF/A support. (Its distribution includes pd4ml_rc.jar).

    > PDF/A generated using Pd4ml jar is of which conformance level?

    For the time being it is PDF/A-1b. We plan to implement tagged PDF output for PDF/A-1a conformance.


    Thanks for reply.

    From where should i get “PD4ML Volume DMS Edition” ?
    I can see the list of Pd4ml versions under Download menu .
    So which is the “PD4ML Volume DMS Edition” from this list.?

    Also can you provide some link or document where i can refer how to generate PDF/A using Pd4ml APIs.

    Amol B.


    “PD4ML Volume DMS Edition” is a separate product. Its evaluation versions are not available for trial download. We send them by request. Please contact support pd4ml com if you are interested in. There are license upgrade options.

    In order to force PDF/A output you only need to trigger


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