HTML to PDF / DOCX / RTF Java converter library Forums PD4ML Forums Technical questions / Troubleshooting PDFs rendered using different versions of PD4ml have formatting/alignment issues

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  • #35578

    Initially we used the PD4ML jar version 3.10.9 with our product and in the subsequent releases we had to
    downgrade the version of PD4ML to 3.9.9 due to internal issues.

    with this change, the HTML Templates that were created when the product has PD4ML(3.10.9) jar are NOT rendered
    in the same way and all sorts of formatting/alignment issues are seen after downgrading the PD4ML jar to 3.9.9.

    PDF generated using PD4ML version 3.10.9 version has bigger font and zoomed in text etc., but the PDF generated using
    PD4ML version 3.9.9 has complete different look (default font is different, lot of spaces in the text area etc.,)

    following changes are observed in the PDF generated using PD4ML version 3.9.9:

    1. size of the font
    2. font type is different
    3. left margin is space is increased.
    4. lot of spaces in the text area.

    PDF rendered using PD4ml version 3.10.9 & PD4ML version 3.9.9 are attached.

    We would like to see the PDF generated with 3.9.9 version exactly matches with the PDF generated using PD4ML version 3.10.9

    This is an urgent and high priority issue as some of our clients are experiencing the formatting/alignment issues in production


    Hi! From the problem description we would suspect it is something wrong with an applying of the initial conversion parameters or if your code relies on pd4ml.adjustHtmlWidth().

    Please report the issue to helpdesk pd4ml com and, if possible, supply the report with illustrative PDF samples, converted with the two software versions.

    Thank you in advance!


    Not able to upload the PDF files. Provide me a link where I can upload.
    Attachment section (Choose File) in the bottom doesn’t work.

    Not sure how can I report the issue to PDF helpdesk. Can you let know the steps/procedure for that.


    Any updates on this ?

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