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  • #35822

    I have successfully generated the PDF using PD4ML v4 in my .NET Web application via the PD4ML CMD tool.

    The issue I have right now is the Watermark PD4ML Demo Mode. I have the license and I can’t seem to find where to put the license in IIS. Need help on this


    Hmm… PD4ML .NET only available as v3, which requires no activation code or pd4ml.lic file.
    Can it be you call the Java lib from the .NET Web application?


    Yes, this is an existing code where previous developer (not in the company anymore) call the Java lib from the .NET Web Application. It uses the PD4Cmd tool. Since I’m using pd4ml v4, it requires the pd4ml.lic. I didnt use the PD4ML .NET v3 because afraid it will trigger the company’s security using outdated library.


    In the case you simply need to place the pd4ml.lic file to the Web application working dir.

    See for more info:

    PD4ML v3 to v4 Migration Guide


    Yes, I did have a look into that documentation but it didnt mentioned how to apply in IIS. I have also tried to place the license in each folder for the path where pd4ml.jar locate, it didnt seem to work. Whether the root folder, or child folder(s).

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