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  • #26344


    we have documents where an image is inside of a

    in a tablerow and in another of the same row we have some multiline-text. See problem_html.jpg with an image of the look.
    When this image now requires pd4ml to put it on the next side because of the noimagesplit-option and the text in the other td also continues to this page, the text isn’t continued at the top of the side but at the bottom of the image. See problem_pdf.jpg for an image of the same part.
    I’ve also included the original htm-code inside of

    Is this a problem of pd4ml or can we change anything inside our html-code to prevent pd4ml from doing this?


    In order to avoid such issues, I would recommend not to use enableImgSplit(false).

    A better approach would be to apply “page-break-inside: avoid” CSS property to particular table rows. In most of the cases it is also harmless to apply

    [language=css:9ovvj2dc]TR {page-break-inside: avoid}[/language:9ovvj2dc] to entire document.

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