HTML to PDF / DOCX / RTF Java converter library Forums PD4ML v3 Archived Forums (Read Only) Troubleshooting Problem with header, footer when use "generateMulticolumn"

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  • #26397

    We use PD4ML from JAVA. Header and footer are set to generator and than is used function “generateMulticolumn(2, 5, true)” (2 columns, with 5mm gap between) too.
    Problem with newly generated PDF is that header and footer are used only for first column (and are smaller) on each page.
    But we want one “normal” header a and footer on each page with 2 columns.
    How can we do that ?
    Thank you for your advice.


    is there any progress in solution of this problem ?
    Thank you very much


    Hi PD4ml,

    any hope about this?


    The issue is already solved in the actual development build, however it is not available for download yet. To be released with the new beta.

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