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  • #37678

    Hello everybody,

    Apparently, it is possible to do this for rtf: “Headers / footers. There is a possibility to define individual header and footer for title page.”, as mentioned here

    Has anyone managed to do it? Any pointers on how to accomplish this?

    Thank you for any suggestions.


    The following HTML snippet defines individual header for the first page. The code works with PD4ML v4.

    PD4ML v3 also allows to define individual headers in PDF output mode with API calls. But most probably it does not work for RTF

    <pd4ml:page.header scope="1"> PAGE 1 HEADER </pd4ml:page.header> <pd4ml:page.header scope="2+"> DEF PAGE HEADER </pd4ml:page.header> <body> PAGE CONTENT <pd4ml:page.break> PAGE CONTENT <pd4ml:page.break> PAGE CONTENT <pd4ml:page.break> PAGE CONTENT <pd4ml:page.break>


    Thank you very much, this helps a lot!!!

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