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  • #27080


    When rendering rtf then the newlines are ignored if they are inside a

     tag. Pdf rendering works fine.
    I used a simple example:
    <br />
    <html><br />
    <head><br />
    </head><br />
    <body><br />
    <pre><br />
    Line 1<br />
    Line 2<br />
    Line 3<br />
    </pre><br />
    </body><br />
    </html><br />
    The output looks like:
    Line 1         Line 2         Line 3
    As rtf output :
    <br />
    {rtf1<br />
    {info<br />
    {title RTF File}<br />
    {author test}<br />
    }<br />
    {footerpardplainf0fs12 document produced by an evaluation copy of pd4ml. more info: {field{*fldinst{HYPERLINK ""}}{fldrslt{ul}}}par}pgwsxn11900pghsxn16840paperw11900paperh16840headery600footery600margl707margr707margt707margb707marglsxn707margrsxn707margtsxn707margbsxn707widowctrlf1i0b0fs16{fonttbl{f1 Arial;}{f2 Times New Roman;}{f3 Courier New;}<br />
    }<br />
    {colortbl;red0green0blue0;<br />
    }<br />
    {stylesheet{s17snext17 Text body;}}<br />
    f1i0b0fs20f2i0b0fs20f3i0b0fs16sa201sb201li0ri0{widctlpardbchcf1 Line 1 cf1         Line 2 cf1         Line 3<br />
    par}}<br />
    And as java code:
                pd4ml.outputFormat(PD4Constants.RTF);<br />
    String test = "<html>n" +<br />
    " <head> n" +<br />
    " </head> n" +<br />
    " <body> n" +<br />
    "      <pre>n" +<br />
    "        Line 1n" +<br />
    "        Line 2n" +<br />
    "        Line 3n" +<br />
    "      </pre>n" +<br />
    " </body>n" +<br />
    "</html>";<br />
    pd4ml.render(new StringReader(test), out, urlBase);<br />
    Any ideas ?
    Thank you!

    We’ve just fixed the issue in the development build.

    A new maintenance version is expected to be published in about one week.

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