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  • #26236

    Hi, I am having a problem using the example as it appears in your reference manual for the header.setHTMLTemplate(“somehtml”) call. The header text in the example (Header Text) does not appear in the rendered document. I am using a version of pd4ml pro I downloaded this morning: Is the problem a bug in the pd4ml code or is there a modification to the example code that will fix the rendering problem?

    I tried using the pd4ml_demo.jar and ss_css2.jar from to see if the problem could be resolved, but that didn’t work.

    Can you suggest any way to resolve the problem? I really need the capability to populate headers and footers with tables. If you have a way I can do that without the setHTMLTemplate() call, please let me know.

    Thanks for your help.


    I have answered most of my own questions. setHTMLTempalte() works when I set the area height manually (setAreaHeight(150)) and do not set the HTML width (setHTMLWidth(950)) and do not use width=”100%” in the

    tag. But I cannot use setAreaHeight(-1) to allow pd4ml to calculate appropriate height. The top of the header is cut off.

    Any suggestions on how to auto-adjust header and footer heights? In my applications the headers will be dynamically generated so it would be nice to have a way to expand and shrink the height as needed rather than set a fixed height.

    Thanks for your help!
    Jean McCallum


    I would recommend to define inline headers instead of API definitions. See


    If it is not acceptable for some reason, please email to PD4ML support and supply the request with the HTML code you use to define the HTML header.

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