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  • #33738

    we try to upgrade our PD4ML from version 3.9.3 to 4.x (last try with 4.0.6fx3).
    To give PD4ML a hi­nt where it can use hyphenation we insert soft hyphens (­\u00AD) into our text. With version 3.9.3 this worked as expected.
    After upgrade to 4.0.6fx3 and using the org.zefer.pd4ml.PD4ML wrapper the hyphen is always rendered, not only when a line break is needed.
    Using the new com.pd4ml.PD4ML I get either a question mark instead of the soft hyphen, I guess this is because of not configure the fonts correctly, or I get a large blank instead of the soft hyphen.
    Do I do something wrong or is it just not supported in version 4.x?
    I tried with demo and evaluation mode but neither did work.

    My html:

    30-44 Jah\u00ADre


    Attached the generated pdf files.
    In the log file I see ‘WARNING: addStyle() takes no effect in non-Pro PD4ML versions’. Do I need the pro version to try this feature?

    Thank you for your support.
    Oliver Breidenbach

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    Why do you show my avatar image so big?


    Hi Oliver! Sorry for the delay with the reply and the avatar issue. We are in a transition phase from the older to new web site design, and currently runs a dummy design, obviously with the style flaws.

    I’ve created a ticket for the hyphen issue and assigned the top priority to it. Hopefully we have a solution within the next week.


    Any news? Maybe a fixed version as surprising Christmas present? 😉


    Hi Oliver! It has taken longer, but the fix is finally available as v4.0.7


    Thanks, it is working fine now.

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