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  • #26713

    I am using pd4ml lib which is old, spanish chars are visible on html file, but when i am converting it using pd4ml it is not showing those on pdf file. can u provide trial version of pd4ml which support this.
    do u have any other solution for this problem


    If the spanish characters are not part of ISO-8859-1 you need to use TTF embedding feature of PD4ML Pro.


    In PD4ML download area you may always find fully functional trial versions of PD4ML Pro:


    Thanks for your help.
    I tried this , but it is not working for some reason
    here is my code fos = new;
    PD4ML pd4ml = new PD4ML();
    pd4ml.setPageInsets(new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0));
    pd4ml.setPageSize(pd4ml.changePageOrientation(format)); // landscape page orientation
    pd4ml.setPageSize(format); // portrait page orientation
    pd4ml.useTTF(“java:fonts”, true);
    pd4ml.setDefaultTTFs(“Times New Roman”, “Arial”, “Courier New”);
    if ( headerBody != null && headerBody.length() > 0 ) {
    PD4PageMark header = new PD4PageMark();
    header.setAreaHeight( -1 ); // autocompute
    header.setHtmlTemplate( headerBody ); // autocompute
    pd4ml.setPageHeader( header );
    pd4ml.render(“file:” + inputHTMLFileName, fos);
    outputPDFFile = null;

    Please suggest me any other solution.


    pd4ml.enableDebugInfo(); forces PD4ML to print some diagnostics. Could you please check what is printed to the STDOUT (or to server’s log if it is a web application)?


    This is the output on STDOUT:-
    version: PD4ML 351b8
    new parse attempt with: UTF8
    image not yet in cache: file:F:/Tomcat_DIR/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.19/webapps/ewpmc/temp/invoicehtml/images/ca_state_logo.png
    not yet in cache: file:F:/Tomcat_DIR/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.19/webapps/ewpmc/temp/invoicehtml/images/ca_state_logo.png
    image size: 70777
    can not embed file:F:/Tomcat_DIR/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.19/webapps/ewpmc/temp/invoicehtml/images/ca_state_logo.png. Not embeddable color type. Reformatting image…
    image not yet in cache: file:F:/Tomcat_DIR/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.19/webapps/ewpmc/temp/invoicehtml/images/sign.png
    not yet in cache: file:F:/Tomcat_DIR/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.19/webapps/ewpmc/temp/invoicehtml/images/sign.png
    image size: 264
    can not embed file:F:/Tomcat_DIR/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.19/webapps/ewpmc/temp/invoicehtml/images/sign.png. Not embeddable color type. Reformatting image…
    image not yet in cache: file:F:/Tomcat_DIR/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.19/webapps/ewpmc/temp/invoicehtml/images/Julie_signature.gif
    not yet in cache: file:F:/Tomcat_DIR/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.19/webapps/ewpmc/temp/invoicehtml/images/Julie_signature.gif
    image size: 2770
    image not yet in cache: file:F:/Tomcat_DIR/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.19/webapps/ewpmc/temp/invoicehtml/images/Entertainment.png
    not yet in cache: file:F:/Tomcat_DIR/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.19/webapps/ewpmc/temp/invoicehtml/images/Entertainment.png
    image size: 1104
    PNG marker: sRGB
    PNG marker: gAMA
    PNG marker: cHRM
    can not embed file:F:/Tomcat_DIR/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.19/webapps/ewpmc/temp/invoicehtml/images/Entertainment.png. PNG should not have more than 256 colors. Reformatting image…
    image not yet in cache: java:/resources/icons/spacer.gif
    not yet in cache: java:/resources/icons/spacer.gif
    image size: 48
    done in 2126ms.
    PDF generation done.
    pdfFile1: F:Tomcat_DIRjakarta-tomcat-5.0.19webappsewpmctempinvoicepdfGC-áá-329703-04112012.pdf
    version: PD4ML 351b8
    new parse attempt with: UTF8
    done in 340ms.

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