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  • #26513

    in is described how the template for the table of content is.
    So the toc allways look like:
    ChapterName ……. 1
    NextChapter ……… 2

    Is there a possibilty to change the template if you want to change things that cannot changed by simply change the css classes?

    We want to add a prefix for each page. So that it looks like:
    ChapterName ……. Page 1
    NextChapter ……… Page 2

    As far as i know i cannot add the ‘Page ‘ with css. The only way i currently see is that create an image with ‘Page’ and set it as background. But this solution is really ugly and i only would do it if there is no other way.

    Anyone any idea?


    The trick with a background image seems to be the only solution for the time being.

    In theory it is possible to define the template with CSS using “content” property, but it is not supported by PD4ML yet.

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