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  • #27074


    We are using PD4ML 3.9.2 library for converting HTML documents to PDF. The HTML template will have multiple   characters. Note the HTML template cannot be changed.

    The issue here is that the PDF generated has truncated text because of &nbsp. We wrap the html template with the pd4ml:transform tag.

    But when we use pd4ml.addStyle(“BODY{word-wrap: break-word}”, true); in our generation tool , the data in the html template is retained.

    Could you please suggest a better way/workaround on how to fix this. Also could you please let us know as to why &nbsp truncates the data.

    PD4ML configurations that we use
    – A4 , landscape mode
    – HTML width set is 950
    – Insets 0, 0, 0, 0
    – No image split.

    -Thanks in advance.


    I guess the content is truncated not because of   – probably it simply does not fit given htmlWidth.

    If the content is placed to a table, also try
    TD {word-wrap: break-word}

    An HTML source of the problematic document would help a lot to analyze the problem reason.

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