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  • #29616

    I’ve just inspected the current version. The output depends on “” system property.

    [language=java:1hujfwlo]String s = null;
    try {
    // A document ID override mostly makes sense for testing purposes.
    // Here it is used as a trigger to exclude version- and
    // environment- specific diagnostics info (to make possible a binary comparison of documents
    // produced, for example, on different platforms)
    s = System.getProperty(“”);
    } catch ( Throwable e ) {

    if ( s == null ) {
    callParameters.append( “% PD4ML version: ” + getVersion() + “n” );
    callParameters.append( “% JDK version: ” + System.getProperty( “java.version” ) + “n” );
    callParameters.append( “% OS version: ” + System.getProperty( “” ) + ” ” );
    callParameters.append( System.getProperty( “os.version” ) + “n” );


    At the time being, we use the release 3.9.6 and it’s work !

    The problem was the initialisation of the property.
    The property must set before the “new PD4ML()” and not after.
    We fixed this and now it’s work perfectly.

    Thanks for your time and your response.

    Best regards,

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