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  • #26562

    i am using TTF enbadding but one of the fonts doesnt show the text correctly , and when i copy the text to microsoft word it shows the correct look . why would that be . is there a solution .

    font : simplified arabic

    thank you


    can i please get a hint on this topic . does TTF embadding support all kinds of TTF files

    thank ou


    As I can imagine, “simplified arabic” is not particular font, but a font family. So it relies on font substitution logic – to auto-find a font has simplified arabic glyphs.

    It is difficult to say why it does not work in your case. I would try to explicitly define the font family in and assign to it any TTF, which has the Arabic glyphs. For example:

    [language=java:1omhudx8]simplified arabic=arial.ttf
    simplified arabic Bold=arialbd.ttf
    simplified arabic Bold Italic=arialbi.ttf
    simplified arabic Italic=ariali.ttf[/language:1omhudx8]

    (and make sure, the mentioned .TTF files are available)


    here is tha part in discussion in file

    Simplified Arabic=simpo.ttf
    Simplified Arabic Bold=simpbdo.ttf
    Simplified Arabic Fixed=simpfxo.ttf

    and the ttf files are int the right place but why this is happening with this font only bearing in mind that i took the ttf files from windows fonts and if i copy the text generated with this font to microsoft office it shows correctly .

    what do you think



    what do you think please



    In the post
    I already explained you, why PD4ML needs an access to physical TTF font files. JRE or Microsoft office have an access to font resources / font objects, so they can display the fonts on a screen.

    But in a case of PDF the font files need to be parsed, used glyphs extracted and the limited character subset to be included to the resulting document. You cannot get the needed info from java.awt.Font object,. So PD4ML implements a simple “font name->font file” mapping approach. I am sorry if you find it overcomplicated.


    i dont find it overcomplicated . and i already done TTf embadding using your library and it works for all the fonts in my list except for this one fone which shows about 60% of the correct form and i also made sure that the mappings in the preperty file are correct .even thought this font shows correctly the same text in any other tool


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