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  • #27031

    I am chasing an issue where PD4ML is not able to fetch https images. We are using PD4ML 380fx6 Pro from a tomcat environment. Based on previous posts, my theory is that I need to create a class for pd4ml.extra.resource.loaders.

    Using the sample on this board, I have created my own com.mycompany.utilities.PD4MLCustomFileResourceProvider.class. I have also added the code to add this as the DynamicParams.

    HashMap map = new HashMap();<br /> map.put( "pd4ml.extra.resource.loaders", "PD4MLCustomFileResourceProvider" );<br /> pd4ml.setDynamicParams(map);<br /> pd4ml.enableDebugInfo();<br /> pd4ml.render(sr, os);

    But when I run the code, I see in the logs:

    version: PD4ML 380fx6 Pro
    image not yet in cache:
    not yet in cache:
    External resource loader: PD4MLCustomFileResourceProvider not found. Make sure “pd4ml.extra.resource.loaders” value is correct
    External resource loader: PD4MLCustomFileResourceProvider not found. Make sure “pd4ml.extra.resource.loaders” value is correct
    image size: 14022

    Do I need to include the package information in the Map?

    Steve B.


    I’m having the same problem.

    How can I set value to “pd4ml.extra.resource.loaders”?


    Steve B. (see previous posts) finally solved the issue by a prepending the class name with its full package name, i.e:

    map.put( “pd4ml.extra.resource.loaders”, “com.application.PD4MLCustomFileResourceProvider” );

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