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  • #37814

    We recently purchased Pro license and using Jakarta snapshop jar (since we moved to Jakarta 10). We tried placing the pd4ml.lic file in the lib folder (same level as the pd4ml.jar) and the working dir of the project but still seeing the DEMO MODE ONLY watermark when PDF is generated. There is no constructor in jakarta snapshot jar that takes License string. What am I missing here? Can you please assist? Appreciate your help!


    > We tried placing the pd4ml.lic file in the lib folder (same level as the pd4ml.jar)

    It is definitely wrong. PD4ML can find pd4ml.lic in the classpath root (i.e WEB-INF/classes, when pd4ml.jar is in WEB-INF/lib) or in the work dir of the application (whose actual location is not always obvious). It cannot scan lib/ folders.

    If the project structure is too complex and various JARs are locaed by different classloaders, sometimes it is the easiest just to pack pd4ml.lic to the root level of pd4ml.jar (using any zip tool)


    Appreciate your response. Putting the .lic file in the jar’s root helped.
    One additional question: my understanding is org.zefer points to v4 and com.pd4ml to v4 in the Jakarta jar -is that accurate?


    Please ignore the previous reply – I read the migration notes at and things are clear to me (regarding wrapper classes in org.zefer pointing to com.pd4ml).

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