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  • #26673

    Watermarksettings for a specific jsp are cached by pd4ml:header. We set Watermarks dynamically to flag some printouts as drafts.

    If this page was printed as draft next printout is still flagged as draft also if watermark settings are removed.

    Used Version: 3.80

    We tried out:
    – disable cache: System.setProperty(“pd4ml.cache.enable”,”false”) ;
    – Http Header:
    httpServletResponse.setDateHeader (“Expires”, 0);
    – Setting path to watermarkimage to an empty image

    Nothing worked.

    Please let me know if there is a solution to get this fixed.



    Obviously the problem is caused by a reusing of custom tag object instances by the JSP framework. We never experienced exactly such issues on our test environment, but I can imagine that could happen.

    We’ll check what can be done in the taglib code to prevent that. In the meantime you could check if there is a configuration switch by your application server to disable the optimization.

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